View Full Version : Good morning Wednesday

21-10-2020, 07:13 AM
For some reason this week is really dragging. What’s the betting we get to the weekend and that just flies by!

Last night I had a dream that I’d moved house. It was a strange little ground floor flat and when I went out the back door there was a huge communal area, full of animals, including a reindeer in a stable. As it was a communal area I decided I couldn’t childmind from there (never mind the fact you couldn’t move for all the small creatures on the ground), but some of the local women told me I had a nice area at the front of the house. It turned out to be a huge hexagonal garden with high walls with grape vines growing up them. It was beautiful! There was a covered area we could use and when I asked about a toilet, they showed me a gate in the wall that led through to a supermarket next door and they told me we could use their toilet...sorted :laughing: It’s strange, but in all my years of childminding I don’t think it’s ever featured in one of my dreams before!

Today I’ve got my new starter back for a second settling in session. They’ll stop a bit longer today and have lunch with us. They were very happy when they came on Monday, but I’ve got a feeling they’ll be a bit more tearful today now that they know what’s happening and that mum will be leaving them here.

Has anyone got anything exciting planned for today?

21-10-2020, 07:54 AM
I always think I would love to see some of my dreams on video afterwards. I find it especially odd when you dream of a really random person from your past who you haven't even been thinking about, so goodness knows why they pop up in a dream!

We've got a zoom story time session with our library at 10.30 and I'm actually looking forward to it. The rhyme time session on Monday was so sweet and it was nice to be semi interacting with other people. It's a very dark, grey and miserable day today. It would actually be the perfect day to visit the library in person, but hey ho. We were going to have a garden day but our garden has got a few random little hills in it and it is so slippery, so it's not actually great for this weather. We'll probably have a walk over to the new estate being built - there's a myriad of diggers and cranes to keep mindee in a state of awe and wonder!

Hope all of you with children who are at uni are hearing good things from them about how they are settling in.

Pixie dust
21-10-2020, 08:05 AM
Morning...it is very wet and grey here today. Wednesday is my favourite day as I have 3 pre schoolers who are here all day so they just seem to get on with their own things. I will set up some activities for them but they don't really need me so I sit back and observe, maybe catch up with some admin. We are making pizzas for lunch. Tomorrow on the other hand is the total opposite with my 2 x 2 year olds :rolleyes:

Have a good day everyone.

21-10-2020, 09:18 AM
Morning ..... how come it is only just gone 10? Feels like it should be 4pm tomorrow!

We've pottered around home and are now going to walk up to library to change our books ( only 2 'family ' groups in at a time and all books looked at are put aside for 48 hrs .... they ask that you don't put them back in the boxes/ shelves.... ) and then home via the market seeing what goodies the fruit lady and bakery have! Maza, your zoom library sessions sound great. I might suggest them, not to come from our tiny library ( as it would end up being me that did them! ) But maybe from one of our bigger ones.

Mouse .... I love the sound of your 'dream' garden! Childminding doesn't often feature in my dreams, but sometimes some of the children do!

21-10-2020, 12:00 PM
Mouse are you actually on happy juice or something! That was a very strange but funny dream. I did like the bit where you went through the wall to use the supermarket toilets, at least you weren’t on the toilet cleaning rota! .

Oh my goodness, this week is dragging for me also. Got 3 napping which is unusual and done a mass of things with them already today including playing in the rain and no I didn’t do singing in the rain, just pretended being a witch chasing them .its so exhausting.The only other exciting thing we are doing today is playing with Halloween playdough black and orange never got round to sending off for pumpkin spices, feel a bit mean but they are all preschoolers so hopefully they will forgive me.

Have a 18 month old who likes to empty my toy boxes and book shelf’s boo hoo. Please stop little child.

21-10-2020, 05:11 PM
Have a 18 month old who likes to empty my toy boxes and book shelf’s boo hoo. Please stop little child.

I've got one of those too! And another who likes to pile everything up on surfaces and first child just swipes it all off!!! Joyous!

22-10-2020, 06:48 AM
I have that child 3 days a week. The 4 th day yeah my books are left on the shelves! Until someone wants to look/ read some and that’s fine, what they are there for. I do hate to see books all over the floor and walked over. You have to keep thinking it’s a stage that will be over soon and grit your teeth ha,ha.