View Full Version : It’s the weekend

08-08-2020, 08:50 AM
It looks like it’s going to be a hot one!

I’ve already been out and watered my veg so I’m hoping they survive the heat. I was watching a lovely white butterfly while I was out there, then realised that’s probably what’s eaten my cauliflowers :crying:

Loocyloo, I hope you have a safe journey home today and you get chance to rest properly once you’re there. Make sure the family tackle the holiday washing while you sit with your feet up!

Last night I was sat up quite late with the window open. I could hear a funny noise and realised it was a toad outside. We seem to have a few in the garden at the moment - they obviously haven’t learned to stay away after the cat brought one indoors recently. I’m wondering if I should leave some water out for them as it’s so hot, so I need to google that today.

We’ve not got anything much planned for today. I could do with getting some food shopping in as the fridge is looking a bit bare. The freezer is pretty full so I’ve told the family I’m not doing a proper shop until they’ve eaten more stuff out of it. I’m making them dig to the bottom to see what they can find :laughing:

Have good weekends everyone and don’t get too hot :cold:

08-08-2020, 11:59 AM
Yes Loocyloo, safe journey home.

We are currently cooking the 4th and final dish from our Gousto box. We didn't love last nights meal so hopefully we will like this one. We're having it for lunch rather that dinner because DD has got a birthday party to go to at 3pm, so will eat her dinner there. It will be a socially distanced birthday party in the garden with just 6 of them. She so needs a break from the monotony and I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time. It's her first party since moving to her new school a few months ago, so a nice milestone.

I watched the 'Diana in her own words' documentary last night and today. What a troubled lady she was. I know it was only her side of the story. I still can't believe that she was so young when she got married and then only 36 (I think) when she died. It was an interesting documentary because I thought that so much of what we read about her would have been rumor or exaggerations, but this was actually her voice recorded telling her story.

No other plans.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

08-08-2020, 04:58 PM
Thanks both. Got home safely and everyone else has been rushing around doing stuff while I lie around! It's funny .. a few weeks ago, a friend and I were taking about being taken for granted and wanting to go 'poof' in a puff of smoke leaving all the washing/shopping/cooking etc to be done with nothing prepared in advance like when you plan to be away. She text last night and said 'you managed it, you went poof' !!!! Other than that I'm here to answer questions !!!

I am so bored of lying on my side with my right cheek flat on the bed/sofa. Got to lie like that so gas bubble stays in place, keeping retina in place whilst it heals! 5 days! ... i can stop tuesday morning when I get up! I can read on kindle or listen to stuff or look at my phone but all lying down and with limited arm movements!!!!

Maza hope your meal was good and dd enjoyed her party.
Mouse hope you had a good day and it wasn't full of toads!!!