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View Full Version : Good morning Tuesday

04-08-2020, 09:55 AM
After the lovely weather we've been having lately it feels somewhat chilly today. It's also quite dark - bring back the sunshine!

What's everyone got planned for today? I've just got one toddler here today and we've been building with the duplo this morning. Well, I've been building and she's been pulling apart! We have a race - how many pieces can I build up before she takes them apart? I'm trying to encourage her to build them up herself, but her game is obviously much more fun :laughing:
She's now having a nap, then we'll have lunch and go into the garden. Hopefully it'll be a bit warmer by then!

Have good days everyone :thumbsup:

04-08-2020, 09:06 PM
The days are definitely cooler but I’m quite enjoying it. The evenings are chilly too but it’s nice to go to bed when it’s cooler.
Went to a local walk today and the 4 minders climbed the trees before we walked round and home for lunch. Planning a longer day out for them tomorrow as we haven’t been out for more than 2 hours at a time up till now as everything is pre booked in 2 hour slots. I used to love long days out with them, hopefully they will be back for next summer