View Full Version : Happy mothers day

22-03-2020, 07:46 AM
It may not be the day we planned but here the sun is shining we are all still well. So life is good.

Hope you all have a lovely if pared back mothers day

22-03-2020, 08:43 AM
Happy Mother's Day.

DS searched out my favourite sweeties and DD has painted me a beautiful card.

We're going to take the van out for a drive later and find a quiet spot for a little walk and a cup of tea!

Have a lovely restful, calm and peaceful day. X X X

22-03-2020, 08:55 AM
Happy Mother’s Day to you Fussy.

My MIL is in a care home, on lockdown, so DH will go and deliver a care package to her later - sweets, biscuits and some lemonade! We’ve bought tins of sweets and biscuits so we can wipe them down with antibacterial wipes before Leaving them on the doorstep of the home.

Other than that we’ll be having a quiet day, stay at home day ...the first of many:laughing:

22-03-2020, 09:03 AM
Happy Mother's Day!

DD made me some wire and tissue paper roses and they had already bought me a lovely scented candles (they know I am obsessed with scented candles).

I'll phone my mum later. I know a couple of my brothers are going to call in on her today, but they have said they will keep their distance.

22-03-2020, 09:18 AM
Happy Mother's Day!

DD made me some wire and tissue paper roses and they had already bought me a lovely scented candles (they know I am obsessed with scented candles).

I'll phone my mum later. I know a couple of my brothers are going to call in on her today, but they have said they will keep their distance.

Actually, I am not sure they will go now after the pm's latest advice.

22-03-2020, 11:31 AM
I have been spoilt eldest dd sorted it early.

So i got a pandora charm and a pizza board.

It must be a worrying time dh got me a card :laughing:

Pixie dust
22-03-2020, 04:10 PM
Very strange Mother's Day here as I normally go out with my own mum but as she is over 70 she is now staying home, We went over earlier and posted her card through the letter box and left flowers on the doorstep then waved through the window which was a very surreal situation. Apart from that its been a quiet day at home I have been getting ready for work tomorrow and have put quite a few resources away as will only have 2 little ones so limiting what they can have due to cleaning etc have put a lot of my wooden resources away leaving out the duplo etc which can be washed in the dishwasher . On the bright side its sunny out there !

22-03-2020, 04:18 PM
That's my job tomorrow ... streamline the toys.

I'm sad ... I've just got some lovely wooden toys from myriad and not sure about getting them out! Maybe just for a short while, then wash and dry in the sun.