View Full Version : Are you superstitious?

12-03-2020, 02:54 PM
So, tomorrow is Friday 13th. I remember years ago my friend was having a planned C-section for her twins and the doctor threw her a couple of dates. She picked the one which suited her the most and it happened to be Friday 13th. Now, I just couldn't have picked that date, not for something as big as that! It obviously didn't bother her one bit and of course she gave birth to two healthy baby girls.

I am superstitious - even though I know some things are really daft - I just can't give them the benefit of the doubt! So, I won't walk under ladders, get really grumpy if I spot a single magpie and really happy if I spot two (then instantly forget about it once I have walked past) and I am absolutely paranoid about leaving any Christmas stuff out past the 6th Jan. I really want to watch a Christmas programme on tv that I have saved, but don't know if I should wait until December, just in case...

Are you superstitious?

12-03-2020, 09:11 PM
I don't think I'm superstitious at all. The only thing I won't do is have the volume of the TV on 13. I don't actually like it to be on an odd number at all, but I could cope with all others apart from number 13!

I really don't like shoes being put on a table. I know can be a superstition but I don't like it because it's unhygienic!

12-03-2020, 11:11 PM
Oh I don't like shoes on the table either - for superstitious and hygiene reasons.