View Full Version : Traumatic few months

25-04-2019, 09:50 PM
Hello, I haven't been on for a while now, I do have a look now and again but don't like to make any comments as I am not up to date with things now a days.
It is nice reading about what many of you are doing/planning on doing.
The reason I am posting now is if you think things aren't quite right please don't ignore it and go to see your Dr. Last October I started having post menopausal bleeding, not a lot and I tried to ignore it but when I saw my niece who is a GP she told me I should get it checked. I was going to the Drs in January anyway so left it till then, he listened to my concerns and referred me to the local hospital on an emergency 2 week referral which scared me. My appointment came through within the 2 weeks and I went and had scans internal and external, an internal examination by my consultant who decided to do some surgery there and then and did a biopsy and removed a polyp and some of the lining of my womb. I was told that if anything was found that needed further investigation I would here within 2 weeks. On the 14th day I had a phone call from the consultants secretary to go to the hospital next day to see him, I was told to go to the same place as before but they sent me to another area and when I got there it said it was the cancer department, I was expecting this really but it was getting scarier now. When I saw the consultant he said it had come back that I had grade 1 cancer of the womb and that I would have to have a radical hysterectomy which meant removing everything. I also had to have an MRI scan to make sure it hadn't spread. This was on the 5th February. The surgery was to take place at another hospital as they hoped to do it by keyhole surgery so I had to meet another consultant. I saw him on the 6th March and told my surgery was scheduled for the 20 March so not too long to wait although this through up all sorts of problems mainly my husband is disabled and I do nearly everything for him and my 2 dogs.
The day of the surgery came and I was second one to go, the surgery took 2 hours due to complications from previous operations but recovery wasn't too bad and they had managed keyhole and I recovered so well in the hospital that I was allowed home late evening the next day. The worst part for me was having to inject myself every night with blood thinning drugs, that was really painful.
I had to go back 2 weeks later for the results of the tests they did on everything they took away and I am so pleased to say that they managed to remove all the cancer, and a further scan showed up nothing anywhere else.
I have to go back in October and if still clear I will be discharge.
So as I said at the beginning if you have doubts about anything please get it checked out, I wasn't going to but I am so glad I did.
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to share.

26-04-2019, 06:02 AM
Oh my goodness, don’t know what to say apart from what a terrible and traumatic time you have had. Such good advice don’t ignore these things.

So glad you have came through it all. Thank you for your story and good advice.I wish you well.

26-04-2019, 07:03 AM
Oh treacle, what a time you've had and so pleased you are recovering well. Take care and take time. Much love xx

I've had several friends who have discovered they have cancer by going to the dr for other things. I agree, if you ever don't feel quite right, then much better to see the dr.

26-04-2019, 10:30 AM
What an awful time that must have been for you and your family. Thank goodness all all is OK now.

Coincidentally, I read an article last week that said how women are particularly bad for putting their own health issues to one side as they're too busy looking after everyone else. I think that is very true for so many of us and your situation really highlights how we should take more care of ourselves.

Wishing you continued good health xx

27-04-2019, 02:30 PM
Lovely to hear from you and so glad it has all turned out well for you in the end. Thank you for sharing your story. Hope you remember to do something nice for yourself after your traumatic time.

keep in touch. x

27-04-2019, 06:45 PM
Bless you. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a speedy recovery.

28-04-2019, 08:39 PM
What a rollercoaster few months you have had. Thankyou for sharing and reminding us all Teacake of how vulnerable we all are.
Great news of the prognosis.
My heart goes out to you though of how this trauma must have affected you.