View Full Version : Putting your clocks forward/mothers day

30-03-2019, 08:05 PM
Is it really a thing anymore?
Other than the cooker and the car clocks all the rest need no help from me.

In fact is there nowadays any excuse to be early/late.

I think my main gripe is losing an hours sleep on mothers day so instead of being awake at silly o'clock i will be awake at stupid o'clock instead.

Do you have any plans for mothers ds2 hss a football game so im hoping for the nice weather to continue.

30-03-2019, 08:42 PM
Double post!

30-03-2019, 08:42 PM
I'm not impressed with hour change either!

I'm off to church and everyone else is off to band! Then i have informed my children that we are going for a walk or something as I'm not spending mothers day on my own as they sit attached to electronic devices!!!
We're going out for tea as DH didn't get round to booking anywhere for lunch and i refuse to have lunch at 11.45 when I'm not working:D:laughing::D

Happy Mothers Day everyone xx

31-03-2019, 06:48 PM
Hope you got your walk loocyloo

It wss so cold with the wind at football i was glad to be home. The sun shining was very deceiving. However thre team coaches brought all the mums a box of chocs and a bottle of wine which was a nice touch.

We went to see Captain Marvel which we have been trying to for weeks sometimes with sport its hard to get an afternoon when we are all together.

31-03-2019, 08:21 PM
What a lovely gesture Fussy!

We haven't left the house today and it has been just what I have needed. I've been stupidly busy for what seems like months and so it was nice to not have to go anywhere and to be relatively on top of school work. We have started painting the ceiling in the living room as we are hoping to put our place on the market soon - but I have been saying that for a few years now...

I did finally see a teaching job that I could apply for in the place we are hoping to live. That kick started us into action today! I was quite excited when I saw the job ad this morning - but now I feel sick at the thought that moving might be getting closer.

How on earth do you cope with leaving the home where your children were born and have all their memories? I'm terribly, terribly sentimental like that, even though I know it's silly.

01-04-2019, 07:35 AM
How on earth do you cope with leaving the home where your children were born and have all their memories? I'm terribly, terribly sentimental like that, even though I know it's silly.

Exciting times Maza!
You cope because you know you are making the right decision for your family.
It’s always difficult leaving a lovely home with memories, our last move was the most difficult because my boys had grown up there....but by the time you have gone through all the trauma of selling and packing I found I was ready to go...a lovely last evening in an almost empty house reminiscing...and then a new adventure starts.
It’s lovely to look back on homes with memories...and dreadful looking now, but fashion of the day, colours and furnishings!
Our internet is intermittent at the moment and obviously went off during the night so none of the clocks had organised themselves!
In true techno fashion we fiddled with the internet for ages to get it to come back on and change the clocks appropriately....rather than change them ourselves.

01-04-2019, 12:48 PM
I changed 3 clocks here and 2 clocks at an elderly relatives house.

02-04-2019, 11:06 AM
How on earth do you cope with leaving the home where your children were born and have all their memories? I'm terribly, terribly sentimental like that, even though I know it's silly.

A couple of my children were born at home, so it was quite sad when we moved out. We drive by occasionally and I point out the window of the room they were born in. They're not bothered in the least!

I was also born at home and often passed the house I was born in. It was only years later I found out I'd been looking at the wrong house and it was actually further down the road :laughing: