View Full Version : Trick or treat

30-10-2018, 05:45 PM
Yes or no.

Dd wants to go but our estate doesnt really celebrate a few houses will have pumpkins out and there is one house decorated.

I dont know if im being bah humbug but i hoping ds's rugby trsining doesn't get called off. Dds has but it will be the perfect excuse not to go.

Though we did carve a pumpkin today

30-10-2018, 09:27 PM
i don't really like it.

DS & DD used to go to the few houses on our 'private rd' ... all pre-arranged and all the children took it in turns to walk up the road and knock at houses. i'm not comfortable with them knocking on 'strangers' doors. i think they have been out once or twice since we moved ... but only to houses we know or who are very obviously 'playing'!

i'm a bit of a grump, and for the last few years we have either been out at a local halloween event ( so not home to play! ) or i was working, and so front of house was in darkness, whilst we had our own little party in the back! This year DD and i will be out, and i suspect DH & DS will sit in darkness! although i might make sure they have some sweets 'in case' !!!

i have to say, i was SOOOO PLEASED that DD had comp this week ... half term, and so i'd have had 2/3 days full of halloween craft and activity and full on hyper mindees! so i took the days off to go to comp, and will just do bonfire night and fireworks instead! might do a little bit about All Souls and All Saints day though.


30-10-2018, 10:12 PM
I've stupidly, stupidly, stupidly said that we would go trick or treating with two separate friends. One bunch have invited us round to theirs for the last four years, but our DDs have naturally drifted apart and we've hardly seen them at all this year. It got to a week before Halloween and I just presumed that as we hadn't heard from them that they weren't inviting us, and so I said yes to another friend who had just asked. About 5 minutes later I got a text from the first family, reminding us abut the party. I remembered that I had said we would be there when she brought it up on the last day of term in July! Both lovely mums and lovely girls, but now I'm going to have to try and fit a session in with both of them at opposite ends of the village.

I could do without it to be honest as I'm really busy at work. It is actually a lovely event round here. Some houses go for it big style and so there is no need to knock on the doors of those who don't wish to participate. For the last few years, on the morning after Halloween lots of people have posted on the FB community page about how polite all the trick or treaters were.

31-10-2018, 08:44 AM
Last year we had the very odd situation of an all-adult group of trick or treaters at the door. :p

I’m not comfortable with groups of unknown and unaccompanied children in black bin liners either.

I always ask parents of current/former mindees, friends, etc. to let me know if/when they plan to come round. That way, I know what to expect, and how much Haribo Tooth Rot Mix to buy in.

31-10-2018, 10:47 AM
As usual I've forgotten to buy any sweets in for trick or treaters, so I'll do the usual and hunt through the back of the cupboard to see what we've got lurking :p
I do always check they're in date & still edible, but it's a good way of clearing a bit of space in the cupboard before the Christmas goodies start filling it up again!

My children are all grown up now, but we did take them out when they were younger. They knew only to go to the houses that were obviously taking part and it was always a fun evening. When I was young (many, many years ago!) we used to go round the american airbase near my grandparents' house. Halloween was a big thing there, way before it was for anyone else and we used to go round looking at all the decorations. I don't think we ever actually knocked on any doors, but it was exciting to see.

31-10-2018, 05:20 PM
I didn't find much in the cupboard so we're handing out Werther's Originals and Foxes Glacier fruits :laughing:

Hopefully word will soon get round that our house is to be avoided!

31-10-2018, 05:36 PM
We have decided to give out sweets before going to rugby.

However most people arent knocking on even with the lit pumpkin.

Oh well haribo overload later then 😂😂😂

Plus i made halloween doughnuts so hopefully people turn up for rugby training

01-11-2018, 02:14 PM
Last year we had the very odd situation of an all-adult group of trick or treaters at the door. :p

I’m not comfortable with groups of unknown and unaccompanied children in black bin liners either.

I always ask parents of current/former mindees, friends, etc. to let me know if/when they plan to come round. That way, I know what to expect, and how much Haribo Tooth Rot Mix to buy in.

Oh how odd, or maybe they were lanky tall teenagers?

01-11-2018, 02:17 PM
I dressed and face painted 3 mindees at their parents requests. Other than that I hid in the back of our house and no one knocked. Done my years of answering the door.
Apparently it was very busy ‘out there’. A lot of competitive neighbours, some with queues of children winding down the their paths. And rumours of children being driven in from local villages.

01-11-2018, 03:20 PM
In the end my son told me I was mean handing out boiled sweets so he put them away and turned the lights off...then made me promise I wouldn't go to the door if anyone knocked :ROFL1:

02-11-2018, 09:13 AM
One of our neighbours put lit pumpkins outside and then didnt answer the door.

My children couldnt quite understand that logic.

The halloween doughnuts went down a treat at rugby

03-11-2018, 08:35 AM
I can kinda understand that. Perhaps the household was having a more private family celebration. They’re entitled to decorate the house but still not want to have trick or treaters around.

In my distant childhood we put out turnip lanterns and it was never considered a sign to trick or treaters because trick or treating just wasn’t part of the culture. The idea of knocking on wherever there’s a pumpkin is very new. Neither is it universally accepted, judging by the high proportion of costumed groups that will knock on at every single house regardless.

Glad the doughnuts went well. Can’t help wondering if you did a Heston-style thing and filled them with pumpkin, or maybe blood, spiders, etc. :eek: