View Full Version : Christmas Eve

24-12-2017, 10:51 AM
So it's finally here.

We are going to watch star wars later.

But this morning I have done a 5km run.
Made a batch of luxury sausage rolls (normal saus rolls but with bacon jam and black pudding as well)
Made a blanmange.
Prepared the turkey and it's cooking.
Going make a great of lemon meringue fudge.
2 loads of washing.

And to think I'm ahead of the game :laughing:

Have a great day everyone x

24-12-2017, 02:50 PM
Well done for your run Fussy! I so wanted to run today but I woke up feeling dreadful - I say woke up - not sure if I actually had any sleep, alternated between freezing and boiling all night. I'm aching all over, but I'm in good spirits because it's Christmas Eve.

Had tidied the lounge but then DD and I started crafting and you can barely see the carpet again now. DH is cooking the ham as we speak. DD and I are tracking Santa, watching a Christmas movie and I'm on the mulled wine in between lemsips.

Need to carry on tidying/cleaning and iron the table cloth, although DH and DD said they both fancy ordering Indian takeaway instead of going out to our local Italian, which would probably result in them spilling on our white table cloth. I like our restaurant on Christmas Eve, it's so festive, but I think I might be outnumbered. We usually go for a Christmas coffee at one of our local coffee shops and enjoy bumping into lots of people we know. There are also a couple of festive things going on nearby, but not sure we'll make it to them this year.

All the wrapping done so I can totally relax once DD is in bed.

Happy Christmas eve everyone!

24-12-2017, 03:40 PM
I’ve done all the washing up todate. Now I have to iron it though. Cooking the ham at the moment. Then I want to make some mince pies. I’ve hoovered and tidied so that will be it. DD1 and grandson here at the moment then out for a meal together later. I love Christmas Eve. Hope everyone has a good day x