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12-12-2017, 11:04 AM
Very cold morning it is. -5 it was on the school run.

I'm glad we made the most of the snow yesterday with sledging etc.

My little one was very fasincated to see the frozen pond where the duck were playing on the ice.

We have had a little play with ice cubes and now I'm regretting teaching her to say cheers when playing with the tea set.

Have a fab day everyone stay warm and safe

12-12-2017, 12:54 PM
good afternoon! BRRRR, that sounds cold Fussy! I love watching ducks on ice :laughing:

luckily I didn't need to do the school run this morning! I had planned to go out for a walk and feed the ducks, but we were so busy playing, we haven't made it out yet, and now everyone is asleep! depending on when they wake up, we might try the park this afternoon on the way to school. I have a LO though, who, despite thermal layers, and putting everything on warm, gets cold hands and feet almost instantly and then is miserable. we don't have proper snow ... just an 'icing' as Dd says, but it was -3, and is about 0 now, but beautiful in the sun. I think everywhere is going to be very icy.

I'm trying to get a smiley photo of each child to go in their Christmas card! finally after 4 days, and hundreds of 'continuous shot' s ... I have finally caught one child laughing! he does smile and laugh, but it takes a lot of work, and is so fleeting that I kept missing it! He is happy enough, just not a naturally smiley child! and another, who is usually smiley, has chosen today, to NOT smile! and then, there are the photos of the 4/5/6 yr olds, when they pull those screwed up face grimaces!

hope everyone is staying warm & safe.

12-12-2017, 02:11 PM
I don't come here very often now as I can't get access on my phone. But I miss reading everyone's posts.

We didn't have snow yesterday, just heavy rain and extremely cold, so we had an indoor day. I guess it must have been about -2 degrees this morning, but the parents took note of how cold it was yesterday and sent appropriate clothing so we all wrapped up warm for the school run. The kids enjoyed looking at the ice and trying to avoid walking through the frozen puddles.

I have a chesty cough which seems to be worse because of the cold weather.

13-12-2017, 10:44 AM
I log in via the internet on my phone. Its actually easier than using the app once you get used to it.

No more quoting just to reply:clapping: and i can use the smillies:clapping:

13-12-2017, 03:04 PM
I don’t use the app either , just the website on my phone. I can’t cope without a new posts button,