View Full Version : Eek first inspection nerves

09-07-2017, 07:34 PM
I've had the call and will be getting my first inspection in the next couple of weeks. I'm like a bag of nerves wondering what they will ask me and making sure I have got everything in place that I should have. I have 3 children of my own (1,7 and 11) and I mind 2 brothers (3 and 5 yrs). I am in Hertfordshire.
Any help,tips or advice would be great fully received.
Many thanks
Kerry x

12-07-2017, 07:54 PM
Relax - be yourself - know your children - know your safeguarding.

Some tips and links for more information here - Ofsted are coming! (http://independentchildminders.weebly.com/blog/ofsted-are-coming) :D

13-07-2017, 07:09 AM
I've had the call and will be getting my first inspection in the next couple of weeks. I'm like a bag of nerves wondering what they will ask me and making sure I have got everything in place that I should have. I have 3 children of my own (1,7 and 11) and I mind 2 brothers (3 and 5 yrs). I am in Hertfordshire.
Any help,tips or advice would be great fully received.
Many thanks
Kerry x

I had mine a couple of weeks ago. There was a big focus on safeguarding, including Prevent Duty and FGM. Also knowing the children very well including their next steps. If they are not doing as well in a particular area of learning she wanted to know how I was focussing on this.

Good luck. The stress before was much worse than the actual inspection.

13-07-2017, 11:39 AM
I also had my first graded inspection a few weeks ago. I was a mess when I got the call, I have been dreading it, and I will even admit I shed a tear after the call! I have tried my hardest to do everything right, paperwork training, know the children etc.... I spend 3 full days checking everything was up to scratch, re-writing paperwork that I didn't think was neat enough, that type of thing, and the stress for the 5 days leading up to it, OMG!!!!!
I am full of self doubt, and was convinced that if I achieved a satisfactory it would be a bonus!. When she arrived I was so nervous, but within 10 minutes I was totally at ease, it wasn't anywhere near as horrid as I thought, in fact by the end I was enjoying having a chat about all I do with someone else that knows what its like to do this job, and I enjoyed it!

I got a "Good" so I was thrilled with the result.

Goodluck you will be fine.

13-07-2017, 06:34 PM
I also had my first graded inspection a few weeks ago. I was a mess when I got the call, I have been dreading it, and I will even admit I shed a tear after the call! I have tried my hardest to do everything right, paperwork training, know the children etc.... I spend 3 full days checking everything was up to scratch, re-writing paperwork that I didn't think was neat enough, that type of thing, and the stress for the 5 days leading up to it, OMG!!!!!
I am full of self doubt, and was convinced that if I achieved a satisfactory it would be a bonus!. When she arrived I was so nervous, but within 10 minutes I was totally at ease, it wasn't anywhere near as horrid as I thought, in fact by the end I was enjoying having a chat about all I do with someone else that knows what its like to do this job, and I enjoyed it!

I got a "Good" so I was thrilled with the result.

Goodluck you will be fine.

Well done emmas!

13-07-2017, 06:36 PM
As already said relax and be yourself and be in charge. Try to read other Ofsted inspection notes on this site as they are very helpful. Best of luck and do tell us how you got on as it does help others.