View Full Version : Its Monday

12-06-2017, 11:58 AM
I hope everyone is having a lovely day - Im going to drag and tell you that Im enjoying a hot cup of tea :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Very miserable and overcast here so its been a very chilled out day and mindee is now sleeping.

I also only have 2 children after school its very strange :laughing::laughing::laughing:

12-06-2017, 05:37 PM

I've not even had ANY children here! - its my day off :laughing:

I went swimming with school this morning ... well ... I didn't actually go swimming - I just supervised the 'getting changed' of numerous children and then stood by the pool telling several children to LISTEN to their teacher! :rolleyes:

and then I came home full of good intentions of getting my tax sorted and ready to file ... so I made choc chip cookies, and tiffin, and read my book! did assorted running around after school, met a friend for a coffee and am shortly heading out for my dance class!

I AM ready for work this week, but only by the skin of my teeth, and I'm rather hoping its nice enough to be outside most of the week, and then my house will stay tidy :laughing::laughing::laughing: It's a busy week, but I know it will soon be the weekend.

madness ... I've just been putting a few dates from assorted childrens clubs & activities on the calendar ... how come, in early June, I am already triple booked for the afternoon of sunday 10th DECEMBER ? !!!! AND I'm sure there is yet to be notification of dance exams that day !!!! the rest of December is empty :D