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09-11-2016, 07:25 PM
I have just registered in September, currently moving house so taking on children in the new year. I've had a few enquiries already so fingers crossed it all goes well

I'm looking at my policy's & meals, I want to provide meals in my price but confused about what meals are when.
Im going to do breakfasts, snacks, lunch, then a proper dinner like shepherds pie, chicken, stews etc just family type meals.

But when my own children where at childminders they didn't get anything apart from snacks, my little one is 2 & so far as I know he only got the basic sandwiches, fruit etc he was their for full days, my older children went to after school they just got sandwiches, fruit, biscuits between 3.20 & 6pm when I'd pick them up.

So what does everyone else do? Do you do a big meal at dinner time & then snacks in the after school period or do you do a proper dinner in the after school time for the all day children & the after schoolies?

09-11-2016, 07:38 PM
It's entirely up to you what you provide - and this will be reflected in what you charge.

I do breakfast - usually porridge, fruit snack, lunch, fruit/veg sticks pm snack and cooked tea. I have to cook for my family anyway and so I wouldn't also want to be making rounds of sandwiches for tea.

09-11-2016, 08:25 PM
We include food - we want to see the children eating the same things.

We have breakfast, sandwiches or soups for lunch and a full tea with pudding and everyone eats together.

It's part of our unique selling point and we are very proud of it - we've had parents come to us because they want the food we provide.

But that doesn't work for everyone!! there are 2 of us with 1 cooking it's hard when you are on your own.

Hth :D

09-11-2016, 08:36 PM
I include all meals , full meal at tea time. I find that i need to be organised , and make full use of the slow cooker at this time of year! Most other minderrs i know offer only a snack at tea time ..but I do feel that by the time some of them leave at 6 thats way too late for little ones . my parents refer it as once they get home from work thy can spend time with their child rather than hurriedly cooking something for them!

09-11-2016, 09:57 PM
I include all meals , full meal at tea time. I find that i need to be organised , and make full use of the slow cooker at this time of year! Most other minderrs i know offer only a snack at tea time ..but I do feel that by the time some of them leave at 6 thats way too late for little ones . my parents refer it as once they get home from work thy can spend time with their child rather than hurriedly cooking something for them!

Same here. I provide proper cooked meals for tea and everyone eats together. I usually do soup/ eggs/ toasties etc for lunch plus snacks. Don't currently have anyone for breakfast. But all meals are included as I want everyone to have the same.
My parents like the 'real' food and that also for the littler ones, they can go home and have time together, rather than rushing round trying to cook.

chris goodyear
10-11-2016, 10:53 AM
I do breakfast for the ones who arrive before 8.00 a.m.(cereal or toast) then lunch could be sandwiches/pizza/beans on toast/fish fingers etc depending on the weather or how pushed for time with pre school pick ups and some mindees coming or going at lunchtime. For school children it's a snack (toast/crisps/popcorn/yoghurt/fruit) and for children who are here after 6.00 p.m. I do a proper dinner (shepherds pie/ spag bol/chicken) I know many who don't do as much but it's up to you what you wish to provide. Sometimes the more you can offer the more work you will get!

10-11-2016, 01:49 PM
It's true we are all different as our settings are unique and our own family setups differ. At present my parents supply breakfast and packed lunches. I cook in the evenings for all mindees. EYF children do not pay as it's included in their hourly rate and schoolies contribute £1 towards the cost. I kept it low because I wanted to be able to 'choose' how much time/effort/ingredients I wanted each day. For example I could do spag bol one day and then beans on toast/cheese toastie the next. I didn't want a parent who pays more for meals expecting something equivalent to a roast dinner every evening. This arrangement suits me and parents seem happy. I know a lot of local cm's are turning to snacks but I think I may loose a family or two if I did so I will remain doing what I do.

Think what would fit in with your family lifestyle. When you first start you may find it easier to cook big wholesome meals but as your business grows and you may end up with 8/9 children every evening you may feel overwhelmed. You could tell parents you will review your menu in say 3 months time to see how easy you are finding it all.