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03-08-2016, 06:49 PM
New maths resources from Foundation Years :D

Mathematical Resources | From pregnancy to children aged 5 (http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/mathematical-resources/)

03-08-2016, 07:17 PM
Thank you for sharing.

04-08-2016, 08:46 AM
Thanks Sarah. I read this last night.

One thing that struck a chord with me was when they were talking about props for number rhymes. I remember focusing on 5 Speckled Frogs earlier this year and feeling grumpy that two of the frogs from my perfectly matching set were missing and I had to use other toy frogs to make up the set - but it didn't look as neat! This article actually must have been written for me, because it says that it is more interesting to use different types of frogs, then children can hear descriptive language such as "Oh, your taking away the big/heavy/stripy/blue one/the one with the longest legs, or the furry one, the rubbery one etc. Of course this is obvious, but sometimes you (I) need the obvious pointing out!

05-08-2016, 08:34 AM
I remember years ago when our Forum founder Pauline's doll lost a leg or arm or something - she sewed it up and had a disabled doll...

That one resonated with me I'd probably have thrown it away x

05-08-2016, 10:34 AM
I remember years ago when our Forum founder Pauline's doll lost a leg or arm or something - she sewed it up and had a disabled doll...

That one resonated with me I'd probably have thrown it away x

We've got a doll with only one eye - the other one got poked in. I cut down a piece of sticky plaster and stuck it over its eye to make a patch. It's very useful for when children need to wear a patch or know someone at nursery who wears one.

10-08-2016, 07:23 AM
Thanks Sarah. I read this last night.

One thing that struck a chord with me was when they were talking about props for number rhymes. I remember focusing on 5 Speckled Frogs earlier this year and feeling grumpy that two of the frogs from my perfectly matching set were missing and I had to use other toy frogs to make up the set - but it didn't look as neat! This article actually must have been written for me, because it says that it is more interesting to use different types of frogs, then children can hear descriptive language such as "Oh, your taking away the big/heavy/stripy/blue one/the one with the longest legs, or the furry one, the rubbery one etc. Of course this is obvious, but sometimes you (I) need the obvious pointing out!

On the other hand.....
I have a mismatched set of ducks, one of my LO's would not accept that they could all be 'mother ducks's' ducklings because they don't look the same! Prompted good discussion though.

10-08-2016, 10:01 AM
On the subject of maths, is time (sand timers clocks etc) considered maths related?

10-08-2016, 10:29 AM
On the subject of maths, is time (sand timers clocks etc) considered maths related?

Absolutely! Measures. Children tend to love them too.

11-08-2016, 06:35 PM
I think I'm becoming obsessed with frogs now.

A few months ago I remember taking a cute furry frog toy to the charity shop. After reading this post I wish that I hadn't taken it. Today I remembered that I also took a heavy doorstop frog to the charity shop and got grumpy all over again. At the time I was proud of myself for having a clear out! As if I need any encouragement to keep hoarding!

11-08-2016, 06:37 PM
On the other hand.....
I have a mismatched set of ducks, one of my LO's would not accept that they could all be 'mother ducks's' ducklings because they don't look the same! Prompted good discussion though.

I can just imagine the discussion! Modern families come in all shapes and sizes, lol!