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16-05-2016, 05:13 PM
More LAs are revealing details about how they will tackle the 30 hours funding.

Local authorities reveal details of 30-hour rates | Nursery World (http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/nursery-world/news/1157272/local-authorities-reveal-details-of-30-hour-rates)

My member organisation is PLA - I note Neil Leitch is less than impressed with what's happening to the funding so far!! :panic:

Let's hope it's sorted out a bit better by the time we are asked to deliver it in September...

16-05-2016, 06:39 PM
More LAs are revealing details about how they will tackle the 30 hours funding.

Local authorities reveal details of 30-hour rates | Nursery World (http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/nursery-world/news/1157272/local-authorities-reveal-details-of-30-hour-rates)

My member organisation is PLA - I note Neil Leitch is less than impressed with what's happening to the funding so far!! :panic:

Let's hope it's sorted out a bit better by the time we are asked to deliver it in September...

Sorry Sarah, who says we will have to deliver it in September, i thought pilots were making it look highly unlikely that it would get the go-ahead??

16-05-2016, 07:12 PM
Sorry Sarah, who says we will have to deliver it in September, i thought pilots were making it look highly unlikely that it would get the go-ahead??

Perhaps no-one. Sarah's post said "...asked to..."

Let's hope they ask nicely. ;)

16-05-2016, 07:47 PM
Perhaps no-one. Sarah's post said "...asked to..." Let's hope they ask nicely. ;)

Gah!!! Sorry Sarah, must read stuff properly! ;-)

16-05-2016, 08:19 PM
Thank you sharing Sarah. I wonder how they will choose who gets the first 15 hours and who gets the second 15 if like me settings share children. Not necessarily 15 hours each but, for argument sake, will a preschool get say the first 9 hours at a lower rate then the childminder like myself get 6 hours at a reduced rate and the other 15 hours at a high rate? Oh my. A lot of headache to come working that lot out plus agreeing between settings who chooses which rate. And then don't even mention the shortfall also.

16-05-2016, 09:48 PM
This makes my head boil!!

Hertfordshire is where I live it is one of the biggest Counties with 1500+ childminders alone then add in all the other EY settings and they really think 415 places will give a fair idea of how this will work! We are currently paid £5.50ph for the 3-4 year old places and more for 2 year places and I know they were going to offer less for the additional 15 hours which is a joke because the Fees in many areas of Herts including my own are up to £6-7 + so £5.50 doesn't cover many settings so less will not work on the whole so it will be interesting to see how it pans out. I will not be happy to offer it again the main reason being that this Term started on 1st April and tonight I submitted my Headcount, it is the first day today closes on Friday at 4pm and I won't get the money in my account until half term week so around 1st June so I will have waited 9 weeks for just over £1000 and if the other child had not left at Easter £2010. That is a lot of money to be without over 9 weeks and frankly not acceptable. Thankfully the one that has the Funding will be in school in Sept 2017 but 30 hours for 2 would be potentially waiting for over £4000 the greater part of my income and I have monthly bills to pay.

The other thing that is wrong is the way deprived children have been made part of the trial because it is not aimed at them the first 15 hours is for all and the additional 15 hours has been clearly aimed at working families and all working families working more than 16 hours a week so why is the trial not aimed at the target families? D of E madness.

Certainly at the rates indicated in the article I will not do it why should I effectively subsidize these parents fees? If the Government don't have enough funds then pay what they can afford and we should be allowed to charge the difference between that and our usual fees. It isn't going to be much is it for my child now that would be £7.50 a week and if a family was really that poorly off they would get Tax Credits. I think it is wholly unreasonable of parents today to expect to get 30 hours childcare completely free and they certainly should not expect their Childcare provider to subsidize them.

18-05-2016, 08:09 AM
I have just found out that we will not be paid for this term, not around 1st June 2 weeks after Headcount but wait for it the earliest the money will hit my account will be 25th June. So 13 weeks with no money.

18-05-2016, 08:11 AM
I have just found out that we will not be paid for this term, not around 1st June 2 weeks after Headcount but wait for it the earliest the money will hit my account will be 25th June. So 13 weeks with no money.

This is awful...what reason do they give?