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07-01-2016, 10:31 PM
I look after a baby who will be switching over to cows milk soon, am I right in thinking I'm entitled to claim some free milk? How does this work? Is it worth me doing? Thank you :-)

08-01-2016, 08:17 AM
I've actually never bothered, because I claim for all food and drink on my accounts anyway, and I can't do it for milk if I'm getting milk allowance.
I'm actually not sure if they even still do the scheme, I heard it was stopping?

Bumble Beez
08-01-2016, 08:35 AM
I used to claim for milk through a company who then delivered it directly to me.
Was so easy :)
Worth claiming too as it's surprising how much milk adds up xx

08-01-2016, 10:16 AM
The scheme is still going and, as said below, it is so easy to get the money back...it is all online now.
A 1/3 of a pint may sound very little but 5 days a week and 48 weeks of the year for all children up to age 5 ....it comes to a good amount

Milk is fully refundable...don't waste this or the govt may cut even that benefit....put the money into your business account don't leave it to the govt to pocket!

08-01-2016, 02:37 PM
Here's the website: Nursery Milk (http://www.nurserymilk.co.uk/index.html)

Worth downloading the simple guide from the site, and calling NMRU on 0844 991 4444 and they'll talk you through how it works.

I didn't used to bother. Then I tried one of the free milk delivery schemes which claim on the nursery/CM's behalf, with the added 'benefit' that they'd deliver other products to my door which I'd pay for. That was a disaster: they were absolutely incompetent got every single order and every single invoice wrong, and kept 'phoning me to try to get me to claim for non-existent children. In the end they closed down, following a fraud investigation.

I eventually started to do my own claims and found it was incredibly easy. It gets me a refund of around £12-£15pcm. OK it doesn't sound a lot, but I'd be buying milk anyway, so it's "free money" which can then cover those other costs we all moan about, but don't get help with. I look at it this way: a lot of CMs complain about having to pay Ofsted fees, ICO registration, pacey membership and public liability insurance. My NMRU refunds mean the EU is, in effect, paying for all these. :clapping:

If you just put milk through your accounts as "just another expense" then you're getting tax relief on it = you save less than 25% of the purchase price. If you claim for milk through NMRU, you save 100% of the purchase price. You do the math................ :thumbsup:

08-01-2016, 04:21 PM
Maths done Bunyip!
£12 for 12 months is £144
That covers ICO, Ofsted registration fee and the whole of my Association's Membership package...not a bad deal :thumbsup:
Glad that the EU does gets a few things right for our small businesses! For that I would vote NO to Brexit :rolleyes:

15-07-2016, 05:41 AM
I guess we need to watch out for correspondence in the next month or so as the way we claim milk is changing. I received this as part of my kiddicare newsletter.

15-07-2016, 01:09 PM
I guess we need to watch out for correspondence in the next month or so as the way we claim milk is changing. I received this as part of my kiddicare newsletter.

Yes if we sign on to nursery milk there is a notification there. We will have to re-register with kiddicare to continue to be able to continue to claim the milk x
. x

15-07-2016, 06:14 PM
It's just a change of company dealing with it all - it will continue as normal I should think. Kiddivouchers is one of my voucher companies, they have been good in all my dealings with them so I am thinking positively. They asked me to complete a survey about my experience of the current system so that is a gold star for them- they are researching any issues people have with the current system and what works well too.

They have a lot to follow - the current system is brilliant, money is in my account two days after me claiming!

Definately worth claiming - Bunyip outlines this well. I also claim baby milk.

15-07-2016, 08:16 PM
This is the notification from the NMRU website:

From 26th September 2016, the company responsible for operating the NMRU and reimbursing milk claims will change.
After 26th September the NMRU will still be accessible through Nursery Milk (http://www.nurserymilk.co.uk/), however, you will notice a difference in the appearance and content of the website. The process required to validate your claims will also change and you will be required to re-register your details with the scheme through the website - failure to do so will mean you will not be able to access your online account and therefore not be able to claim for the reimbursement of milk.
Re-registration is a simple process during which you will be requested to provide information about your setting. You will also be required to provide your previous NMRU number during registration in order to be able to make claims retrospectively, for milk supplied prior to the date on which you re-register.
During the week commencing 19th September, the NMRU website will be temporarily suspended to enable the new company to take-over the operation of the site. Service will resume on 26th September after which support will be available to settings to help them re-register and get used to the new online service.
Please also note that for milk supplied since 1st October 2015, you only have up to six months from the date you supplied the milk to children to make a claim for reimbursement for that milk. Claims from 1st October 2015 for milk that are older than six months will not be reimbursed. Claims for milk supplied prior to October 2015 can still be submitted within the 2 year period.

15-07-2016, 08:33 PM
It's just a change of company dealing with it all - it will continue as normal I should think. Kiddivouchers is one of my voucher companies, they have been good in all my dealings with them so I am thinking positively. They asked me to complete a survey about my experience of the current system so that is a gold star for them- they are researching any issues people have with the current system and what works well too. They have a lot to follow - the current system is brilliant, money is in my account two days after me claiming! Definately worth claiming - Bunyip outlines this well. I also claim baby milk.

I agree with FloraDora. I've also never had a problem with the current system, and the money always arrived very quickly into my account.