View Full Version : Incident report

02-12-2015, 05:09 PM
I have had a 6yr old girl since November 2nd.
She hasn't had great love of going into school or responding to requests ie: please hold my hand, please come here etc. 2 weeks ago I had to hold her hand firmly to keep her safe, on my driveway.
Last week I had to help the teacher and the headteacher, in the playground as she was kicking and smacking going into school.
Last night she wouldn't come home with me. She kicked, thumped and hit me. she also stamped on my foot and scratched my hands all the way home until they bled. I told Mum last night that for the safety of the other children, I cannot continue with her.
I don't think Mum will make a complaint. But, as she was making such a performance in the playground, 100 parents witnessed it. I want to protect myself incase one of the parents calls Ofsted if they think I was in the wrong.
Would it be best to write all of the incidents on one sheet? Would you ask the headteacher to sign the incident he was involved with? I also have several witnesses from last night who said they will sign it.
It has really shaken my 14years of confidence and I feel sick every time I think about it.
Thank you x

chris goodyear
02-12-2015, 06:23 PM
I would get as much in writing as you can. 'Reports' from the head and teacher will be a very good thing to have as will as many witness statements. You never know where this may go so as much info as you can get will be a good thing. Hopefully nothing will be reported against you and it sounds like you stayed calm and professional and well done as it was a very stressful and horrible time that you had. Has this girl got any behavioural problems that you were made aware of before you took her on? To be 6 years old and behaving like that does make me think there is something going on with her.

02-12-2015, 07:24 PM
I was not made aware of anything until the week I started with her - only that she wasn't wanting to go to school and there had been an incident where she didn't like being told off at school, so told them she couldn't breathe. Apparently it's all recent though.
I did say calm, until she left, then cried all evening!
Thank you so much for all your help x

02-12-2015, 08:31 PM
It is a requirement to record any 'physical intervention' and ask whoever witnessed it to sign - then show it parents and ask them to sign to confirm they have been made aware it happened.

I hope it works out ok for you x