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14-11-2015, 05:12 PM
ofsted cming Monday so last minute bits this weekend babygates don't fit these stairs and safety clips for cupboards are too short GRRRRR

14-11-2015, 06:10 PM
Do you usually manage without stair gates? If so, then explain that to the inspector. She asked me why I didn't have one at my kitchen door - I had said in my pre-reg that I was going to get one and she had it in her notes. I said that we tried one for a while but DD kept climbing over it and was more likely to hurt herself that way. She could see that there wasn't a need for one on the day. Have faith in yourself. x

14-11-2015, 06:12 PM
this Is my pre reg and I don't have children of my own so just presumed would need atleast 2 one at top of stairs one at bottom

14-11-2015, 06:25 PM
Don't worry! Just be honest and say look they don't fit but you will get adapters etc to sort it.
Some people don't have safety gates thou
Good luck it's really not as bad as you think! I had mine last week so message if u need to x

14-11-2015, 06:34 PM
ofsted cming Monday so last minute bits this weekend babygates don't fit these stairs and safety clips for cupboards are too short GRRRRR

Don't worry, on the day I had mine I hadn't fitted corner guards on low tables etc but luckily I had some so just said oh ive got them ready to fit (I never did in the end!) and she was fine with that. Good luck, you'll be fine :-) x

14-11-2015, 06:41 PM
this Is my pre reg and I don't have children of my own so just presumed would need atleast 2 one at top of stairs one at bottom

I don't have any stairgates. I've got a written risk assessment and have explained in it why I don't use or need them. I am very vigilent when I have a baby/toddler if my kitchen door is opened and they try to escape. The lo's learn very quicky to close the door if they need to go to the toilet. This all lasts for a short time anyway. None of my lo's ever attempt to go up my stairs alone. However, I have brought them all up there at some stage for a sleep when they were younger but when that phase ends they know it's a 'no access area'. If I have gone upstairs to collect a sleeping child I will carry them along my landing or hold their hand as I don't have a stairgate at the top either. I don't have any babies or sleeping toddlers at the moment. Just preschoolers. Always think of safety and be confident in your abilities. Act as if you are in charge and know what you are doing, even if you are screaming 'clueless' inside. Best of luck.

14-11-2015, 06:58 PM
thankyou, so helpful im sat in a puddle of paperwork determined to get organised before tonight so I can enjoy sunday with my partner x

15-11-2015, 08:01 AM
Don't panic!

I have access to a babygate should I need one (it's in the shed :laughing:), and explained that to the inspector, but also pointed out that I didn't need it for my own children and will teach any little ones to keep away from the stairs, which I have done, and have only needed to 'block access' for, I think, about a week once - and I used the pouffe to block it anyway :thumbsup:
Children are not allowed in my kitchen (as it's too small), and all my children learn this very early on too - even the babies have only ever crawled up to the door threshold lol

You don't have to have everything. You may not get any babies for years, but you do have to be able to identify any potential risks and have a plan of action for it.

Have you completed your pre reg booklet? I found that invaluable as my mind went blank a few times, but I was able to look at my booklet to jog my memory.

hectors house
15-11-2015, 09:43 AM
Are your stairs in a hall or in your lounge? - mine are in my hall and I have never had a stair gate, also I think that stair gates upstairs are dangerous (especially for adults as they tend to be lazy and try to climb over them, they could then fall down the stairs and crash through the bottom stair gate). Do children need to go upstairs to use toilet or have you got a downstairs loo?

15-11-2015, 09:44 AM
Do you usually manage without stair gates? If so, then explain that to the inspector. She asked me why I didn't have one at my kitchen door - I had said in my pre-reg that I was going to get one and she had it in her notes. I said that we tried one for a while but DD kept climbing over it and was more likely to hurt herself that way. She could see that there wasn't a need for one on the day. Have faith in yourself. x

Similar thing with me and safety equipment. We don't use table corner protectors at all but in a rare token gesture I bought a pack and employed them for inspection day (I'm so fickle :rolleyes: .) Of course, the lo's recognised them as new, so spent the day pulling the darned things off to play with this 'new toy'.

I'm sure the inspector gave me the wink and just moved on. ;) She clearly knew I don't normally use them and they were there for her benefit but, as she saw there was no real need, we reached a silent agreement not to mention the subject. :D

15-11-2015, 10:55 AM
hi all my home is open plan hence why I think I need one the one that doesn't fit is propped against the wall so she will be able to see ive got one :/ then ill get one that fits. im heading to boots shortly in the hope they sell cupboard safety clips

15-11-2015, 11:48 AM
Just for extra safety, because a child would not be in my kitchen utility area without me anyway, the only cupboard lock I have is a magnetic one for the under sink utility cupboard that has bleach etc in. You don't need cupboard locks on anything else. The children access my cupboards to get things out when helping or baking...there is nothing that would harm them in any other cupboard ...just pans and crockery or food...and if I don't want them to access somewhere I just say they shouldn't.

15-11-2015, 09:17 PM
What about your cutlery /utensil draw?

15-11-2015, 09:38 PM
Mine didn't even go in my kitchen !

16-11-2015, 08:56 AM
I'm open plan

16-11-2015, 09:13 AM
What about your cutlery /utensil draw?

They can't reach/ don't ever go in -unless I ask them to get a spoon out say.... all that is in there is cutlery or in the other one cooking utensils - sharp knives are inside a high cupboard door where they can't reach. They know that you only go in them for a purpose. You teach them this and then they learn control, what they can touch whenever they want and what they can't.
As a home base setting the children, just like at home, use the kitchen too...but everything is Risk assessed and safe, I do art and water work, cooking, baking and indoor messy play in the winter in there.....they learn they can use the kitchen, but not if we are cooking the dinner. When they cook with me though they learn not to touch the oven, all handles are out of reach on the hob.......
I am not a nursery/school, part of my remit is to help them to learn to be safe in a home.....without withdrawing everything.....just like you do outside.

16-11-2015, 09:28 AM
I've found with some inquisitive children is too actually open the cupboard doors and drawers, when they start and let them see what is inside. Boring stuff. Some children, it's the unknown that draws them to it. Plus they see you constantly in and out of that cupboard so it must be interesting and I'll have a peek later when she's not about, kind of scenerio.

16-11-2015, 09:38 AM
For my graded inspection, I had feedback forms from the children (wanted their perspective as they are for more brutally honest lol) and one of the older ones, in answer to the 'Is there anything else you would like to do but cannot do here?', replied : "Be able to go in the kitchen and have a mooch in the fridge"

At least it proved they're not allowed/don't go in the kitchen :thumbsup:

I do still take precautions in my kitchen - medicines are in a high cupboard, or top shelf of my fridge if they need refrigeration, Sharp knives are in knife blocks at the back of the worktop, and I do have a security catch on my cleaning cupbopard.