View Full Version : no smoking signs

03-09-2015, 07:49 PM
Do any of you display no smoking signs? Is it a requirement or not?
I don't let anyone smoke in my house anyway and have made a no smoking policy but was thinking do I still need to have a poster of some sort displayed?

03-09-2015, 08:52 PM
Do any of you display no smoking signs? Is it a requirement or not?
I don't let anyone smoke in my house anyway and have made a no smoking policy but was thinking do I still need to have a poster of some sort displayed?

No. it is your home. Would you allow any one to smoke? Would anyone be unsupervised and light-up by themselves in working hours? No, so no need for signs!

03-09-2015, 10:05 PM
True I think I'm over thinking things now whilst waiting for the call!
Yes you're right we've never let anyone smoke in our home anyway

04-09-2015, 07:51 AM
True I think I'm over thinking things now whilst waiting for the call! Yes you're right we've never let anyone smoke in our home anyway

Are you due an inspection crumpet?

04-09-2015, 08:18 AM
The standard red/white/black "no smoking" circles have too much of the institution about them.

We have a green sticker with a jolly picture of a house and the legend "welcome to our smoke-free home" (as much to stop the SIL lighting up as for Ofsted :eek: ) Got this at our local children's centre a few years ago. I stick it to the display hanger which holds my reg certificate and other 'essentials'.

CM friends of mine have gone one better and got their mindees to design and draw something similar for the hallway.

04-09-2015, 11:59 AM
No mumofone I'm still waiting for my pre reg!

04-09-2015, 12:09 PM
The standard red/white/black "no smoking" circles have too much of the institution about them.

We have a green sticker with a jolly picture of a house and the legend "welcome to our smoke-free home" (as much to stop the SIL lighting up as for Ofsted :eek: ) Got this at our local children's centre a few years ago. I stick it to the display hanger which holds my reg certificate and other 'essentials'.

CM friends of mine have gone one better and got th1eir mindees to design and draw something similar for the hallway.

Lol I think I'll leave it x
It's just that I'd seen pics a few cm parents boards /displays etc on a certain site

blue bear
06-09-2015, 08:41 AM
Legally you have to display a no smoking sign in any building or vehicle used solely for business use. This will nt apply to our homes as you have to reside their to be a childminder.

06-09-2015, 09:14 AM
Legally you have to display a no smoking sign in any building or vehicle used solely for business use. This will nt apply to our homes as you have to reside their to be a childminder.

Thanks bluebear x

25-11-2015, 08:12 PM
Sorry, i know this is an old post but I just did search on no smoking signs as was wondering myself.........I agree with all you've said but Sarahs guide of complying with the EYFS states we should have one...

blue bear
25-11-2015, 08:46 PM
3.56. Providers must not allow smoking in or on the premises when children are present or about to be present.

A sign would effectively get the message across to any visitors but it's not a legal requirement to gave one

25-11-2015, 08:47 PM
Smoking 3.56. Providers must not allow smoking in or on the premises when children are present or about to be present. A sign would effectively get the message across to any visitors but it's not a legal requirement to gave one

Fab, Thanks blue bear.... :-)

26-11-2015, 02:31 PM
Sorry, i know this is an old post but I just did search on no smoking signs as was wondering myself.........I agree with all you've said but Sarahs guide of complying with the EYFS states we should have one...

I Have never had no smoking signs, I work in my home. I only have 3 things up on the wall my Registration Certificate, the Ofsted Parents Poster and my Employer's PLI Insurance Cert.

I have never been asked by Ofsted 'where are my no smoking signs' my last inspection was in September under the new CIF and she never mentioned No Smoking Signs.

No where in the EYFS does it say we have to have them either.

29-11-2015, 09:40 AM
Absolutely no need whatsoever to have No smoking signs in our homes.
Getting the children to design their own is a fab idea as it teaches them about health

You can use your Health and Safety policy to declare your home is no smoking or explain this to parents during their 1st interview...that is what EYFS states.

29-11-2015, 10:11 AM
Thanks everyone, maybe I'm looking at an old document of Sarah's guidance. Thanks all x