View Full Version : My favourite ideas book is now online!

14-08-2015, 05:48 AM
My favourite catalogue that inspires the activities we do is Cosy. I get inspired and then DH makes or I create a wish list of resources ...often one small item will spark an activity idea for mainly outdoor play.

Well, I am up bright and early this morning, my holiday is certainly getting me back to my old self, and over croissant and a big cup of hot chocolate I started browsing and discovered that Cosy have launched their online catalogue.

My mind is full of what I am going to make after my holiday!
The wooden mashers have got me thinking......
Just thought I would share.

14-08-2015, 07:24 AM
Oh wow- what amazing stuff. I've just had a quick peek. Already feeling inspired to go a rummage through my fabric, the loft and the bits of wood in the garage. And the pallet I've got stashed behind the shed had better get ready for a transformation!

14-08-2015, 07:42 AM
Hooray! I love the Cosy catalogue, but hated not being able to order online! Thanks for sharing the news, Floradora :thumbsup:

14-08-2015, 07:49 AM
Brilliant! I love Cosy too - I'd never heard of it before you mentioned it. Thanks.

14-08-2015, 09:30 AM
Woo! I've been waiting for them to get a website. Their catalogues are always great to flick through. :)

14-08-2015, 10:11 AM
I love the Cosy book, so pleased they now have a full website. Can't wait for a good look. Thanks FloraDora. X

14-08-2015, 10:53 AM
This is going to prove expensive, but thanks for the head's up, FloraDora. I have a new garden to play with very soon!

14-08-2015, 12:17 PM
I love there catalog for ideas I very lucky to have a handy person to build things for me or I would never have any money.

14-08-2015, 02:58 PM
I love this catalogue and have been waiting for it to go online - am so happy :)

17-08-2015, 12:17 PM
My favourite catalogue that inspires the activities we do is Cosy. I get inspired and then DH makes or I create a wish list of resources ...often one small item will spark an activity idea for mainly outdoor play. Well, I am up bright and early this morning, my holiday is certainly getting me back to my old self, and over croissant and a big cup of hot chocolate I started browsing and discovered that Cosy have launched their online catalogue. My mind is full of what I am going to make after my holiday! The wooden mashers have got me thinking...... Just thought I would share.

Thanks flora, although I don't need to be encouraged to spend more!! ;-)

17-08-2015, 01:36 PM
Thanks flora, although I don't need to be encouraged to spend more!! ;-)

I rarely purchase things - I just use it for ideas and then make my own version most of the time - although I can't source cream of tarter cheaper or the pulley system....which is going to be our new autumn garden play resource - designed to play over the lawn so that the lawn doesn't get a heavy play this winter - my summerhouse is in a slate area beyond the lawn so we are designing a pulley system from patio to that area.
I have spent the summer taking photos of natural world letters - I made the numbers 1-10 last year - I have made the SATPIN plus the letters in the currentLO's names so will leave those in a basket near a rope line with some pegs. Or with the natural materials - they like to put the conkers, shells, acorns over the number photos as a short activity that leads to more play with the natural materials.
My DH made my boys a workbench when they were younger so I have changed its use to a nature table - like the one in the catalogue and have been collecting little books with leaves and insects on and intend to have this area set up for minibeast / nature focus plus just drawing nature linked things on there - with magnifying glasses collecting baskets and containers, spotters guides, I found some crayons shaped liked twigs and some charcoal in Fred Aldous when I was last in Manchester, one end will be a small world scene background etc.. OrI expect they will use it for whatever they want in reality - I've yacht varnished it and added a shelf for a few baskets filled with natural loose items and it has a storage place / rainy day place in the summerhouse.
To add to the plank and crate play ( all given to me by a friend who takes youth camps and so acquired bread crates and another who had left over decking planks) I have made some waterproof tops / seats for the crates - inspired by cosy this summer. Cost me nothing, made from scraps! ( an old tent mainly).
DH last year made some trellis stands for the spare guttering we had ...after seeing the various ideas in Cosy.
All my veg plants and herbs are labelled with painted stones - and I have copied all the stone ideas, emotion faces, numbers letters etc...
Since Julia Donaldson is launching her sequel to what the Ladybird heard in September which I have on order and we have a countdown chart in anticipation of it ( it's a favourite of my current LO's) I have been spending my 'on holiday sunbathing thoughts' planning a ladybird focus - which was initiated by the big painted ladybird stones in Cosy.
These are just a few examples of how I have seen something and then developed it for my setting at little cost.

Ps - someone on here mentioned Fred Aldous Art shop in Manchester -which prompted my visit when I visited my son last - wonderful place and not over priced!

02-09-2015, 06:46 PM
never heard of it, but will be having a look - sounds great!