View Full Version : Hours worked for gas elec etc

11-08-2015, 09:45 PM
I work 38 hours a week term time and 33 hours a week in school holidays, how do I work out the % for gas and electric etc?
Is an average calculated over the year ok? I'm guessing it'll be around the 35 hours a week bracket but not sure how exact I need to be, especially as I do odd extra hours every now and then.

hectors house
12-08-2015, 08:33 AM
I use this spreadsheet by happy toddlers - if you put in the amount of hours worked, it calculates the percentages for you.


13-08-2015, 10:35 PM
Many thanks I actually had that saved and have filled it in, amazing it does everything and it's all in one place!
Is this ok as my accounts, I guess I need to print it out and file once complete?
Also for gas and electric and water bills are statements from my bank showing the direct debit ok? Or do I need to find the actual bills?

02-09-2015, 06:52 PM
I only keep my bank statements showing dd payments for gas/elec/water - I hope you don't need bills, lol.

05-09-2015, 08:47 AM
Many thanks I actually had that saved and have filled it in, amazing it does everything and it's all in one place!
Is this ok as my accounts, I guess I need to print it out and file once complete?
Also for gas and electric and water bills are statements from my bank showing the direct debit ok? Or do I need to find the actual bills?

You need to keep bank statements for 3 years
You must keep your gas/electric bills for 3 years as well
All invoices you need to keep for 6 years.

This is standard practice for self employed people and can be found on the HMRC website.

You can calculate an 'average' for the hours you work or even better base your claims on the hours you are open for business.