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18-06-2015, 02:36 PM
I was wondering what other childminders do with at her schoolers?

I have a 2 year old son another 2 year old weds and thurs until 3:30ish and a 6 year old after school every day (3-5). I try and go to the park once or twice a week after school and do baking once a week (cakes or making something themselves for dinner) and on other days we can walk the dog-(not a popular option) or play at home with lots of different toys or watch some TV, but I am constantly getting the 'I'm board' 'little ones are annoying me' from the 6 year old and today when I said we couldn't go to the park after school I got the sad 'poor me face' and then he told me that he wanted to go to a different childminder after school :(

Am I doing enough...?

18-06-2015, 03:05 PM
Well he certainly wouldn't want to come to me then because we never have time after school to go to the park lol. TBH I don't take on schoolies, the only ones I have are the ones that have grown up coming to me as EY's children. It helps that I have 2 school age children of my own so any schoolies I have do have some other company other than just LO's. Mine do their own thing, either chilling watching something or playing something on a tablet or sometimes one of mine will go out and play footie with my DS. Right now 2 of them are playing a "hide it" game in the playroom. I don't do particular activities with them after school as there's just not time but they always find ways to amuse themselves and because they have grown up here they know all my current LO's (some are siblings) so they all play together nicely from 18mths up to 11yrs.


18-06-2015, 03:35 PM
You could do a 'bucket list' type of chart with your six year olds input. Before you do, explain that not all of the activities he/she comes up with will be possible al of the time, or even at all, but it will give you an idea of the type of activities they would like.

I only have one after schooler (my DD) and if we are not going anywhere I do like to have an activity set up. It does tend to be something she can gegt on with herself whilst I get dinner. It's usually an art or craft activity.

I think it was very rude of him to say what he did. x

18-06-2015, 03:45 PM
I used to plan an activity for each night but some of my schoolies just aren't that bothered. They enjoy going to the park which I do on sunny days (but not the days where I have 2 under 2) and in this nice weather playing outside. I have a few schoolies plus my DS 9 and DD 5. They all entertain each other. The girls love craft and drawing so I always keep a lot of supplies and sometimes provide a loose theme and let them get on with it. I also have a wii which they go on when it's a bit miserable outside. Occasionally they will watch TV or put a film on (usually at the end of school terms when they get quite tired).

18-06-2015, 04:01 PM
I used to plan activities but generally we don't have time!
My schoolies either play games, read books, draw/colour/craft of their own choice/making or play with the LOs.
After tea we tidy up and watch television/dvd if there is time!
Currently I have 1 schoolie and 2 LOs making playdough mini beasts, scenes and stories.

Usually though, afterschool I am either picking up late as all at a club ( schoolies can do an afterschool club .. as long as they all do one on the same night! ) or dropping dd/schoolies at assorted dance classes! Roll on next year when only dd will be dancing and she can walk herself round the corner!