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View Full Version : ofsted tomorrow and im ill.

julie w
03-06-2015, 08:56 PM
Ive got my inspection tomorrow which im pretty much ok with. ive felt sick all day thinking its nerves. but my husbands now got sickness and diahhroea and ive been sick twice. dont know what to do....

blue bear
03-06-2015, 09:02 PM
Ring ofsted as soon as they open In The morning, they will contact the inspector for you, I'm sure she/he doesn't want to catch it and will postpone. Did the inspector ring on a mobile by any chance that you could leave a message on?

I really feel for you I bet you just wanted it over with, now this. Hope you feel better soon x

03-06-2015, 09:11 PM
Just phone them in the morning. It will be ok.
When I was last due I knew what day they were coming ... I took everyone to school and ds threw up in the playground! I had to take him home, rang parents on the way to collect their children and once home rang ofsted! They then arranged to come a couple of weeks later.

Hope you feel better soon xxx