View Full Version : Before school care only

19-05-2015, 12:01 PM
Hi , please can you help me with advice , been approached to give early before school care for 1 hour to accommodate a parents shift patterns at work , they will be different from week to week due to Rota but wants me the care for 2 years until child starts secondary . What do you do as potentially I can't fill a space as his day may change plus he takes up one of my numbers ? Help please things x

19-05-2015, 12:11 PM
How old is the child? If they are going to secondary school in a couple of years they would not count in your numbers as they would be about 9???? Or have I read your post wrong :panic:


19-05-2015, 12:18 PM
If you have to drive the school run then yes, I suppose it does take up a space. However, if it doesn't they must be about 9 so will not count in your numbers from a registration point of view.

If taking a space in the car then I would charge my minimum for every morning.

20-05-2015, 07:55 AM
Hi thanks so much sorry I should of said yes they are over 9 but my local council will not allow over 6 children at my home including my own children who are under 6.

If I take this child on I will be at my maximum & parent wants occasional care no set days ?

20-05-2015, 08:15 AM
Hi thanks so much sorry I should of said yes they are over 9 but my local council will not allow over 6 children at my home including my own children who are under 6.

If I take this child on I will be at my maximum & parent wants occasional care no set days ?

I would probably say I couldn't do it if it's going to take up a space for so little time.

30-05-2015, 01:36 PM
It always makes me laugh when parents want "occasional" care but don't want to pay for the space. Basically they want you at their beck and call and ditch you when it suits them! Question: Do you want this child? If you're not that bothered just tell them straight that you will be up to your maximum on numbers. If you do want them, tell them as it's occasional care they either pay for a minimum amount and set a contract, or they take their chance on you getting someone else if they are permanent.

Sometimes occasional care has worked for me if it's been on a particular day. There are some days I finish earlier so I don't want the hassle of a 9 year old until early evening.

Good luck!

30-05-2015, 09:23 PM
I think I'd say that I'd do it if the space was available but I couldn't guarantee it - that way you could keep the space open in case something better comes along but still have the chance of earning a bit of money in the meantime.

If parent is not happy with that then they have to decide to either pay for the place every day or look elsewhere.

Miffy xx

31-05-2015, 09:02 AM
I'd charge a minimum fee, but wouldn't dream of charging full day for 1 hour's care.

Do they want holiday time care, or just TTO?

I do tire of the CMs' mantra of "they're taking up a space". It is so defeatist and encourages the mentality that we are all victims to other people's circumstances and can do nothing for ourselves to change our own lives. :(

Fact: they are only taking up one hour. Yes, that may mean turning away some prospective client. Last time I checked, the entire UK workforce was not doing 9-5, at least, not in my lifetime.

The main reason CMs "can't fill the space" is that they convince themselves they can't fill the space, so they never try. I and other CMs I know have all made a reasonable living out of 'bits & pieces' work exactly like this, and making a little effort to think creatively about how to fill those spaces with clients. Meanwhile, plenty of CMs I know sit at home whining about how little work they get, precisely because they turn down anyone who doesn't want to pay for a day/week for far fewer hours of care.

08-06-2015, 08:28 PM
I personally don't like to fill up with after schoolers. The older they are, the more of a pain. They want to be off with friends, do as they please and not be in a childminders house. I had someone last year wanting me on different days before and after school. Some days were 6am starts, others were until 7pm. Even when I said on certain days I needed to use the car so had no spaces, they wanted to drop 10 yr old off at 5pm until 7pm. Mum wouldn't take no for an answer so I told her if she wanted various days she had to pay for the space - was going to cost a small fortune and she only worked part time. Problem solved, she ditched me after 2 days! Result for me! I don't moan about not being busy, I would appreciate less children at the moment and I know I shouldn't say that. I can afford to be picky and choose who I please so do get hacked off when parents expect cheapest rates and me to be at their beck and call when they won't pay for the space.