View Full Version : sef question

01-05-2015, 03:57 PM
I'm a new childminder, can someone enlighten me-when do I need to do a sef?

01-05-2015, 06:54 PM
There is no 'date' or time period for SEFs.

It is your own reflection on your work, you are probably doing one all the time even if it is in your head! Every time you think- that's a good idea I could try, every time you think I wish I could find a better way of..., every time you go on a course and find out something new about how you could do something... that is all your own Self Evaluation, if you write it down it is a Self Evaluation Form!

It might be a note book or a diary. You might choose to use the Ofsted SEF online form.

Some people update as and when they feel like it, some do it every 6 months. It is up to you.

Ofsted inspectors will ask about it and look at it. if you use the online Ofsted SEF the inspector should have access to it before your inspection.

01-05-2015, 07:23 PM
You will be making changes all the time ... so start when you are ready and update it when you have time.

You might find this prompt list useful :D SEF Prompt List (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/sefpromptlist.html)