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View Full Version : parent refusing to pay up....help!!!

03-08-2008, 05:41 PM
Hi, can anyone help? I was looking after 2 children, brother and sister and I gave the parent 4 weeks notice for when I went on holiday but a week later she gave me her notice, so I said ok just pay me up until your notice which ran into my holiday. When I got back from my holiday I rang her and she said she didnt have the rest of the money which is £100, so I told her to let me know when she did have it. I didnt hear from her for 3 weeks so my partner went to her house and her partner said that they are not paying me because her eldest childs (who was at school and was orginally ment to have her in school holidays which I never had her anyway, she always went to her grandmas house) contract was not signed so he said I havent got a leg to stand on so he wasnt paying me. The thing thats got me is she was a friend I didnt think she would do that. Is there any sort of way I can make her pay me even if it means I go to a solicitor? do solicitors normally take these sort of cases or can OFSTED do any thing to help childminders in my situation??

I would be grateful for any advice xx

03-08-2008, 05:44 PM
omg what cheeky gits:eek:

are you with the ncma? if so I would get on the phone to them first thing tomorrow morning.

You say the elder daughters contract wasn't signed, do you have a contract signed for the other child? if so then they haven't got a leg to stand on really have they:angry:

Hope you can sort this out. x

03-08-2008, 05:46 PM
hiya, i'd ring ncma they've got a legal advice line, although they won't actually take them to court for under £150. it really depends if you do have a signed contract then you've got legal rights, if you have no contract sadly i think you might not have a leg to stand on, as he put it. but i'm not 100% sure. perhaps someone a bit more knowledgable will be able to help you.

anna x

03-08-2008, 05:50 PM
Some friend !!

A good point by mrsb though - did you have a contract for the other child?

Who are you insured with ?

You really need to contact your insurance company in the morning

They will more than likely advise you to put it in writing to her giving her 14 days to pay otherwise you will be taking it further - I know thats what I would do anyway and hope it shocks them into paying

But call them first and see what they say - thats what they are there for

Good luck keep us posted

Angel xxx

03-08-2008, 05:51 PM
God it must a time for not being paid!! I'm having problems too!. If you are a member of NCMA then call them and they should be able to give advice. Ofsted wont help as its nothing really to do with them. Also perhaps speak to your development worker. Was her's notice to cancel the contract or just to give holiday?? I hope it gets sorted out - I know the feeling I'm owed over £300 at the moment and I feel I honestly don't have a cats chance in hell of getting it - probably will have to go to small claims court.

Good luck

03-08-2008, 06:36 PM
I'm so sorry that you are both having such problems being paid.

I can't add anymore advice but just hope you both get it paid to you soon without having to go to court.

It always shocks me to hear these stories of people being underhand and nasty, I don't know why but it shocks me every time!


03-08-2008, 09:20 PM
Thank you for every ones replies, yes I have got a contract for the other two thank god but I just cant believe that people can do this. Her notice was 4 weeks that she had to give me but now her children are with another childminder and the other childminder said it was wrong for me to charge her when I was away....I wouldnt mind but I charged her half rate and I used to pick and drop her children off free of charge....how would she like it if her job wouldnt pay her holiday pay when she goes away? Yes Iam with NCMA so I will get on the phone to them tomorrow....I just cant get over the fact that theres nothing in place from the government to stop things like this happening. I know we are self employed but we do it as part of the government and its not like its a proper business like a building manager or a retail shop....its rediculous!!! xxx

03-08-2008, 09:41 PM
Good luck tomorrow when you phone NCMA - hope they will be able to advise you.

Miffy xx

04-08-2008, 07:37 AM
Thank you for every ones replies, yes I have got a contract for the other two thank god but I just cant believe that people can do this. Her notice was 4 weeks that she had to give me but now her children are with another childminder and the other childminder said it was wrong for me to charge her when I was away....I wouldnt mind but I charged her half rate and I used to pick and drop her children off free of charge....how would she like it if her job wouldnt pay her holiday pay when she goes away? Yes Iam with NCMA so I will get on the phone to them tomorrow....I just cant get over the fact that theres nothing in place from the government to stop things like this happening. I know we are self employed but we do it as part of the government and its not like its a proper business like a building manager or a retail shop....its rediculous!!! xxx

What the other childminder does has nothing to do with this situation... each childminder has her own policy re holiday pay... how cheeky of them :( Pls do phone NCMA and let us know how you get on???

04-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Good luck x:thumbsup:

04-08-2008, 08:56 AM
firstly she shouldnt be discussing your affairs with another childminder as far as im concerned ( i know we do on here but thats different iyswim ) and her policys etc may be different who the hell is she to tell you how to run your business anyway !!!!

phone NCMA and see what they say, you could always say that the amount paid doesnt cover all the fees and claim its for the contracts that are signed and try get it that way xxxx

godd luck

04-08-2008, 08:59 AM
Hope you called them today

Let us know

Angel xxx