View Full Version : Signing Policies

08-01-2008, 10:17 AM
Do you ask parents to sign at the bottom of each individual policy or do you have a sort of 'tick-off' (ticking to say they read them) list that they can then sign the bottom of to say they agree to all of the above.

08-01-2008, 10:25 AM
Do you mean policies or permissions?

Policies just have a signing / dating bit at the bottom 'I have read and understand the above Contract' ...

Permissions - you can either have lots of sheets of paper and each can be signed, or you can have a list of them all with a signature bit at the bottom saying 'I have read and agree to each of the above' - I've done it as a tick list so they have to tick each one to show they've read it...

I would also suggest a bit saying 'if parents do not agree with any of the above, please write an explanation of your views on the back. If I feel this might compromise the care of your child or the care / safety of other children, I reserve the right to refuse the contract / terminate our agreement'

Hope this helps! x

08-01-2008, 10:27 AM

I drew up a form that they sign to say they have read, understood and agree to all my policies.

I have given each parent a copy of the admissions, fees, sickness and complaints policies but have started on the form they sign that they can request copies of any other policies I have and have free access to them should they wish to read them again at any point.

Hope that helps



08-01-2008, 10:52 AM
I was referring to the Policies I have kinda decided to do the Permissions as a 'tick-list' at the end.

See this is what I was wondering - If each policy is signed and dated individually then I will have to print of two copies won't I ? One for them to sign and hand back to me and one for them to keep.

That is a hell'va lot of paper! :eek: ............ and a hell'va lot of signatures ;)

08-01-2008, 10:56 AM
Oh brain drain sorry :rolleyes:

Policies - I have a bit in my permissions that says 'I have read and confirm I understand and agree with all the policies of the setting. I know they are available for me to view at any time and I will be given at least xxx however long xxx notice of changes'

Hope that helps! :D

08-01-2008, 11:13 AM
Oh brain drain sorry :rolleyes:

Policies - I have a bit in my permissions that says 'I have read and confirm I understand and agree with all the policies of the setting. I know they are available for me to view at any time and I will be given at least xxx however long xxx notice of changes'

Hope that helps! :D

Oooooo ... I like that! Nice and neat :clapping:

Ok, last question ('til this evening ;) ) I have a Collection Policy (hey! who doesn't :D ) I can't decide what 'a reasonable amount of time' is before before I start trying parents contact numbers/emergency numbers and what a 'reasonable amount of time' before I throw the towel in and contact Duty Social Worker.

08-01-2008, 11:19 AM
Half an hour before the, 'Where are you?' phone calls... an hour before the, 'You are the emergency contact for xxx, please come and get them' calls...

Not sure about social services - I've said 'by their bedtime' which is deliberately vague... not a call I would want to make tbh.

21-01-2008, 01:58 PM
I have them sign and state that they agree to all the policies and procedures outlined in the parent handbook plus they sign any medication policies, child protection policy, permission forms individually. I also highlight particular sections that have caused problems in the past and have them initial those.

Better be safe than sorry and always cover yourself. It seems like a lot of hassle but it's better to have it in my experience.

21-01-2008, 03:36 PM
I have a tick list for the majority of my policies but since I have added a few as advised, I have some individual slips too that have been signed by the parents.

Sam x