View Full Version : GOOD FRIDAY

03-04-2015, 10:29 AM
I hope you are all having a good relaxing day.

If you are working I hope you are not too busy and have lots of fun activities planned.

Anyone off on there holiday or coming backs.

I finished last night till the 20th April. Eldest ds1 went to cadet camp last night till Tuesday. Ds2 has a football tournament Tuesday. DS1 is 16 in the second week.

Have a lovely day everyone :thumbsup:

03-04-2015, 11:03 AM
Wow I'm jealous wish I was off till then 😔 I'm technically off however I've got my God daughter here today but we're having a pj day told her mum that I would have her but I'm not working !! So we're chilling. The girls are watching frozen and I've just tested my new toy ( gel nail kit ) the boys are just stirring eldest 15 so he's been into school every day for exam revision so deserves a lay in and the soon to be 12yr old is just venturing into teenage morph 😂 I got up at 6 thinking my 15month old would wake soon and the little madam didn't wake till 8.45 😌. We have no plans for tomorrow off to Kelmarsh country show after mass on Sunday then we have family over on Monday for dinner then back to work Tuesday no rest for the wicked!! Hope you enjoy your break xx

03-04-2015, 11:10 AM
Im supposed to be working on my level 3! not doing so well as i cant get motivated. Trouble is Ive already been granted an extension until 16/5. Only 54% left :panic:

Luckily quite a bit of that is cross referencing but RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

OH is working on the truck and DS is on the PS3 as a rare treat so no excuse there either :(

03-04-2015, 11:14 AM
We're having a wonderfully relaxing day!

Wednesday was my last day for two weeks. Yesterday was the last day of DDs holiday tennis club and then I spent the rest of the day clearing the house of childminding stuff, mindees art/craft projects etc. Very cathartic indeed.

I have a list of places I want to visit, some new, some old favourites. However today we are just in the mood for chilling out at home. It's lovely not having to stick to a schedule for once. DH and I keep commenting on how lovely and quiet it is.

DD has got a big storage container of art and craft shop bought activities (mosaics, make your own sun catchers, aqua beads, Hama beads etc) and I got them out earlier so that she can finish some of them off so that we can bin the boxes and make some space.

We're still researching new areas to move to - current favourite is Shrewsbury. I'm also researching things to watch on TV now that we have finished Broadchurch. I'm thinking 'Mr Selfridge' but don't think hubby is too keen.

We're off to Manchester to see my family on the 14th.

Hope everyone has a lovely day! x

Have a lovely day everyone!

03-04-2015, 12:12 PM
Having had an exhausting but great 3 days in London, we're having a quiet day at home.
We went to church this morning for Good Friday and now have watched Fantastic Mr Fox and currently debating what to watch next!

03-04-2015, 12:39 PM
Having had an exhausting but great 3 days in London, we're having a quiet day at home.
We went to church this morning for Good Friday and now have watched Fantastic Mr Fox and currently debating what to watch next!

Ooooh, what did you do in London? x

03-04-2015, 01:09 PM
Ooooh, what did you do in London? x

:-) :-) :-) ... dd hasn't been since she was 5 and is now almost 10 ( we moved north 4 yrs ago ) and couldn't remember London ( we used to go most holidays ) - so we did a whistlestop tour!

London Eye
Big Ben/houses of parliament
Outside of Westminster Abbey
National gallery
Trafalgar Square
Covent Garden
British museum
Buckingham palace
Green Park
St James Park
Natural history museum ( quick hello to dippy and the blue whale! )
Science museum
Regent Street (hamleys!)
Carnaby st
Oxford Street
Hyde Park
Covent Garden again ( to visit pineapple studios/shop )
Seven dials
Leicester Square
And finished by watching Stomp!
Not to mention finding 10 of the 40 Shaun the sheep!
Plus assorted buses and tubes!

Wow .. Looking at that list .. No wonder we are tired! We stayed at YHA hostel near Great Portland St.

03-04-2015, 01:39 PM
:-) :-) :-) ... dd hasn't been since she was 5 and is now almost 10 ( we moved north 4 yrs ago ) and couldn't remember London ( we used to go most holidays ) - so we did a whistlestop tour!

London Eye
Big Ben/houses of parliament
Outside of Westminster Abbey
National gallery
Trafalgar Square
Covent Garden
British museum
Buckingham palace
Green Park
St James Park
Natural history museum ( quick hello to dippy and the blue whale! )
Science museum
Regent Street (hamleys!)
Carnaby st
Oxford Street
Hyde Park
Covent Garden again ( to visit pineapple studios/shop )
Seven dials
Leicester Square
And finished by watching Stomp!
Not to mention finding 10 of the 40 Shaun the sheep!
Plus assorted buses and tubes!

Wow .. Looking at that list .. No wonder we are tired! We stayed at YHA hostel near Great Portland St.

Wow! No wonder you are having a quiet day today! You must have had a brilliant time.x

03-04-2015, 03:14 PM
All that in 3 days, including the travelling. Well done you!!!

03-04-2015, 06:15 PM
:-) Thanks! We had a brilliant time and dd is already planning our next visit!

She also wants to go and find the rest of the Shauns!

(Just got to save up the train fair!)

03-04-2015, 07:23 PM
What did you think of 'Stomp'?

03-04-2015, 07:37 PM
I had a long list of things I wanted to do today and have actually done none of them. DD1 phoned and said her husband had taken the car to work along with her baby's buggy. So I went on picked them up, had lunch at the garden centre then came home and spent the afternoon playing with grandson (3 months) and cuddling him up while he had a sleep. Had a wonderful Good Friday, but now lots to do tomorrow

04-04-2015, 12:06 AM
What a great few days - you certainly did the sights.

There is something about London..we visit probably three times a year and have done so for the last 40 years, yet find something exciting / different to do each time.

Well, Good Friday is over, we watched the crucifixion parade in town, shopped for mealworms for our soon to be resident bluetits ( they are inspecting our box regularly- we have a Spring watch type camera so are obsessed with observing the visits) and then home to prepare for Easter weekend visitors.

Had a lovely evening with our youngest son catching up on all the gossip of his life over quality red wine( when did he learn that red wine is lovely?!) at Christmas he was still a Sol with a lime in lad, tonight he has been more of an equal, debating the latest politics news, hovering over his dad's beef bourginion , adding more wine with a confident flair, at 24 he is definately a grown up - when did my lad grow up?

Music catch up as son and DH share their latest finds.....then a piano rendition of lion kings feel the love- he knows that hits a nerve, he is a play by ear pianist as opposed to our oldest who is a grade8 + play passionately from a music score.
This particular piece is one of the first he learnt to play, just picking it up from his big brother.
I love to hear him play.

04-04-2015, 10:32 AM
Oh how exciting! I was just thinking yesterday that I would love to have a camera in our garden to capture wildlife. Living in a first floor flat we don't have direct access to our garden and so we do miss out on seeing what uses our birdfeeders etc. We have plum trees right outside four of our windows and they are just full of blue tits (and pigeons who only ever visit them when they are covered in blossom). I would love them to nest in there as we have a great view (windows just higher than trees) but I don't think they will. Lots of activity going on in our guttering too right outside our living room window - magpies and blackbirds. Do you think you have a nest in your nest box then?

Do we ever stop marvelling at how grown up our children are becoming? I was thinking this yesterday when my 6 year old made her chocolate nests with hardly any help at all. I can't believe I'll have to share my red wine with her one day soon!