View Full Version : photos permission

13-03-2015, 07:05 AM
Recently a child moved away and after handing over her learning journey and cd of photos it struck me there are often other children in her photos either in the background or playing with her, as with all the photos in all the other ljs.
I don't have specific permission from parents about this but I guess I need it but am completely stuck on wording it!
How do others do it? Ideally I just want to add a line or two into my existing camera policy and photos permission rather than a new one.
Slightly dreading an existing parent says no, don't really want to go through other ljs removing photos!

13-03-2015, 08:36 AM
In my contract I put it in that they are happy for photos of their child to be sent to all parents of other childminder children

13-03-2015, 10:18 AM
Excerpt from my permissions/consents:-

I understand that the childminder cannot lawfully prevent my child’s image being captured by members of the public.

I understand that it is within the nature of the setting and the types of activities that my child’s image may appear in images of other children and may therefore be reproduced in other children’s diaries, learning journals, etc. I hereby give consent thereto.

If my child attends another setting (e.g. school, pre-school, nursery, etc.) I will make my own arrangements regarding photo-consent for that setting. I will not expect the childminder to involve himself in those arrangements.

Let me know if you'd like me to PM you with the full photo consents section; it runs to about one side of A4.

13-03-2015, 01:39 PM
I have this on the list of general Consents:

to have ongoing observations made and recorded by the childminder to follow and assess my child's development, to fulfill the requirements of the EYFS Statutory Framework, ans in order to support the childminder's professional development. These may be in the form of written statements, photographs, audio or video recording. My child may appear in the records relating to other children in the childminder's care and may be kept in a setting photograph album after a child has left my care.

14-03-2015, 09:23 PM
Bunyip if you didn't mind sharing your consent form I'd really appreciate it, thanks to all for examples, will redo my policy and consent form this weekend and get it signed by parents this week as I have another leaving at the end of the month so want to hand her lj over knowing it's ok for photos of her friends to be in it too!

15-03-2015, 09:13 AM
@alex - I've sent this to you by PM. Hope it helps. :thumbsup:

And if you go on any trips to London, don't go photographing the children in Trafalgar Square, Parliament Square or any Royal Park without permission from her majesty. :D