View Full Version : Advise on making home safe please

11-03-2015, 02:11 PM
Hi all,

I have a downstairs WC with shower. My landlord has said I cannot remove the shower so I need to make it safe for mindees. We never use it so I can remove the sliding glass doors and this will just leave 2 curved glass panes and the tray which is raised off the floor. Obviously with younger mindees they wont be unsupervised but I am wondering how to sort it out.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.

I'm thinking safety film on the glass, maybe foam padding around the edge of the ceramic tray in case of slips and some plastic attached to the inside of the glass panes to prevent anyone climbing inside it but I might be thinking too hard or in the wrong direction!

Many thanks for any help. I will try and add a photo later so you can see more what I mean.

11-03-2015, 02:30 PM
I think you are over thinking it.

If you only had one toilet, it was upstairs and it only had a shower, what would you do? Would you remove the doors everyday and replace them every time you wanted a shower? I would think the glass as kite marks?

11-03-2015, 03:06 PM
I can't see the problem- a shower is a normal household fixture, many people have downstairs bathrooms as their only bathroom. Shower door glass usually very tough safety glass, a shower base is no risk really and you will supervise. I do not put padding on anything. I would close the shower doors and teach children not to touch.

11-03-2015, 03:12 PM
I have been cm for 20 years.

5 years ago we were lucky enough to have a large extension built. We now have a large walk in shower along the back wall of our new down stair toilet. (It is also hardly used it was put there so our elderly parents could use the spare room down stairs and have a shower), though it has been used to shower off sandy and muddy children when we come in from the garden :laughing: It has a flat tray and a tall fixed glass panel. I haven't done anything with it. It is just there. The younger ones who go to wash their hands are supervised and the 4+ who go independently have been fine. The glass is safety glass anyway. Ofsted didn't say anything when I was inspected a year after we had this done.

I also now have a 24' kitchen diner and the play room opens onto the diner through double doors. the children have free access to all the space. I have 12 large drawers under the counter tops and a cupboard under the sink (no cleaning products kept there), I have a tall ladder cupboard and another tall cupboard each side of a large fridge freezer. None of them have any clips on them.

The only thing I have done is put a small self adhesive alarm on the Utility Room Door. It is a folding door and although there are wall cupboards out of reach with all the cleaning stuff in I wouldn't want the children in there so this was the easiest option. The alarm was bough online and cost about £5.

The children don't have un supervised access to the kitchen space and I have never had any of them in 5 years try to open a drawer or cupboard (they actually can't reach the cupboard door handles).

Ofsted didn't make any comment about this at all. I refuse to baton down my home. I didn't do it when my children were growing up either, children have to learn how to live in a home and to respect it and learn the boundaries.

The only other thing I did do, we had new windows through the house when the extension was done. They all have child restriction on them so the windows can't be pushed open by the children. They are quickly released and the windows open 90 degrees so we can get out in an emergency.

As Kirstie said you are over thinking things a bit.

11-03-2015, 05:42 PM
I knew I was over thinking it!

Thanks very much for your helpful replies.

watford wizz
11-03-2015, 05:49 PM
We have a downstairs shower room, shower, loo and sink. The shower is invaluable we use it a lot in summer to cool down/clean off little ones, messy play with really little ones, paint, gloop my olders ones shower after sports at school never had a problem with ofsted x