View Full Version : DBS check

04-03-2015, 07:01 PM
:angry:I have just received a phone call from ofsted stating that I should have applied for the dbs update I explained to her that I had never heard of it I then received an email saying that I have failed to comply with welfare requirements. I tried to do the update with the link they sent but was then told that I have to redo it all at another cost of £52.00!!!! I explained that I didn't know about it. I then checked all of my emails and I originally applied for the dbs check back in March 2014. I filled everything in and sent my payment through and waited for the certificate and it felt like a really long wait, I then received a phone call saying that they hadn't received something so had to do it all again. In the meantime these changes were taking place but nobody had told me nd I spoke to capita on several occasions and even when I received the certificate there was nothing to asylum I had to do an update. I am actually challenging this as I don't believe I am at fault especially when I applied at the beginning of 2014. Ofsted answer was simply tough if I don't pay I lose my registration! :angry::thumbsup:

04-03-2015, 08:05 PM
How frustrating for you! No wonder you are annoyed. Unfortunately, this has caught lots of people out.

04-03-2015, 10:07 PM
I had heard that but my argument is the fact that I applied for it in feb 2014 and not one person mentioned this update even when I received the certificate and i was speaking to capita as I was doing the check.

How frustrating for you! No wonder you are annoyed. Unfortunately, this has caught lots of people out.

05-03-2015, 07:07 AM
When the first lot of emails are sent out, and probably the first with your reference number, there is a link to the updates.

This is a catch 22. Pay for the update then, and potentially spend month waiting for the DBS to come through, so wasting some of this update money
Hope you remember/ or are able to do the update within the 19 days when the DBS arrives.

It's also strange to pay for the DBS and also to have it updated at exactly the same time. Surely you should only have it updated/ and pay for it after the year has gone?