View Full Version : Is it enough??

18-02-2015, 10:22 AM
Hi there,

Is a 2 week menu enough I stuggle with mealtimes,kids always want the staples - pasta ,beans on toast, cheese sandwiches etc
Am I right in thinking that we need to display a monthly menu -would it be ok to do week A week B then back to week A week B for a month then put together another menu of week A week B for the following month?

Hope I've made myself clear.

THanks in advance x x

18-02-2015, 11:31 AM
Yes, personally I think it is enough.

I find that that there are some meals that most children will eat most of the time, and that when I try to offer others for variety, it mainly ends up in the food waste. I know that some CMs provide amazing food, but I am going to admit defeat on this one; when I next have new parents I am going to explain upfront that I prioritise filling children's tummies with healthy food, but would not win any awards for innovative menus!

I have a week's sample menu in my parent info, but I don't have one day-to-day. I do write a meal plan, but I quite often find that circumstances (usually me forgetting to get meat out of the freezer in time) mean that I change what I cook. I make a note of what the children have eaten each day in their daily diary.

I do have some good points as a CM though, honest! :o

18-02-2015, 01:09 PM
Yes, personally I think it is enough. I find that that there are some meals that most children will eat most of the time, and that when I try to offer others for variety, it mainly ends up in the food waste. I know that some CMs provide amazing food, but I am going to admit defeat on this one; when I next have new parents I am going to explain upfront that I prioritise filling children's tummies with healthy food, but would not win any awards for innovative menus! I have a week's sample menu in my parent info, but I don't have one day-to-day. I do write a meal plan, but I quite often find that circumstances (usually me forgetting to get meat out of the freezer in time) mean that I change what I cook. I make a note of what the children have eaten each day in their daily diary. I do have some good points as a CM though, honest! :o

I'm with you on this one Lisbet! I recently wrote a four week menu plan as I was required to provide one when voluntarily notifiying (Ireland ) but there was a lot of repeats on it! Now and again I do something different but you get fed up throwing it out (or worse having a 3 year old puke it all back out Cos she didn't want to eat it.. Sausage and mash!) that it doesn't seem Worth the hassle! I only do lunch but it tends to be sandwiches , scrambled egg, fishfingers, pasta and pesto, etc. Sometimes we have extra portions left from dinner like spag Bol / lasagne / roast but I know only some of the kids will eat it ! I seem to have a fussy eater each day of the week although mine are all part time !

18-02-2015, 02:47 PM
I don't have a menu plan , I have tried but don't end up sticking to it anyway..
I have a sample menu to show parents the kinds of meals I provide , I try to keep an eye on school meals so the don't get the same for lunch and for dinner , but being any more organised than that seems to be beyond my abilities!

18-02-2015, 07:15 PM
Why limit yourself to just 2 weeks when there's sooooooo much variety on JustEat.co.uk ? :cool:

18-02-2015, 08:58 PM
There is no requirement for menus so you can do whatever suits you and your families.

18-02-2015, 10:41 PM
I personally do a weekly menu on the same document as my activity plan that I email out to parents on a Sunday. I make it clear this isn't cast in stone due to the children's preferences on any given day but I find it really helps me to plan for the week, I do all my thinking at the weekend when its quiet and I just do what it tells me to during the week when Im surrounded by noisy children who make thinking impossible!