View Full Version : Dominoes

13-01-2015, 10:46 AM
What age would you say dominoes can be played from? I'm thinking of the traditional ones not picture ones. Would you say they teach maths and what else?

13-01-2015, 12:38 PM
PSE - waiting, taking turns, managing relationships
PD - fine motor - picking up and placing the domino, returning them to the box
C&L - speaking: 'you're turn', 'that's a two', also listening and understanding

Not sure about age. Maybe three or four, depending on the child and adult led for the younger children.

13-01-2015, 05:34 PM
As an educated guess, I'd say spot dominoes could work from about 3.5yo. I've a lo who could read spot dice at that age, though she's generally well above average in most aspects of L&D. It probably helps if they already know the game of dominoes from using the picture ones previously.

17-01-2015, 08:14 PM
My 3.5 loves lining dominoes up and then watching them topple, not keen on playing the game though!

17-01-2015, 09:17 PM
I played a board game similar to dominoes last week with a newly three year old and a three and a half year old. I think they would be too young for dominoes - I would say they are both average ability wise. The spots on the dominoes would be too close together for them to count reliably. I am going to try them with picture dominoes next week - I think they will get that with support each time it is their turn. I really need to buy some traditional spotty dominoes though because my 6 year old will love it - and yes, it's great for all the areas that sing-low mentioned. x

17-01-2015, 10:20 PM
I've just been on Amazon to buy traditional dominoes. There were some very cheap ones which had terrible reviews and then some ridiculously expensive ones. There was nothing in-between. Anyone know where I can buy a decent set from?

17-01-2015, 11:25 PM
I've just been on Amazon to buy traditional dominoes. There were some very cheap ones which had terrible reviews and then some ridiculously expensive ones. There was nothing in-between. Anyone know where I can buy a decent set from?

Our local M&S has them for 2.99 in with their classic games. Bought some in November.