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View Full Version : What foods do you give your mindees?

22-12-2014, 11:23 PM
Just following on from my question about the times you have your snacks and lunches I wondered what healthy snacks and meals you serve up for your mindees each day?

23-12-2014, 09:04 AM
Quick and easy ones :laughing:

I use my slow cooker a lot, and not just for stews, soups (lovely and thick and very filling) and casseroles.
If I've made too much, I drain the liquid off, freeze it and make a pie for the following week.
Brisket is lovely, and cheap lol, gammon, even ribs can be done in it, and all the children love the meat as it needs very little chewing :laughing:

Tuna pasta bake, and then variations on that like chicken and mushroom, chicken and ham (Uses the chicken left over from Sunday lunch)

Homemade chicken nuggets - I add a little 5 spice to the flour and the kids love 'em
Homemade pizza - kids love shaping their own dough and putting their own toppings on - 9 times out of 10 they make faces ;)

Snackwise - pitta breads with dips, ham and different cheeses, mixed fruit salad, sometimes with a yoghurt on top, crumpets....

I made a 5 week menu so we have a varied diet each week by listing loads of different meals and then picking one from each column and crossing it off.