View Full Version : Highly Recommended - Homemade Bird seed Feeders

22-12-2014, 05:26 PM
Homemade Bird seed Feeders.
You will be so surprised at how easy these are to make, only 3 ingredients and one of them is water!

Great foundation for teaching children about caring for wildlife and they also make great gifts to take home! I recently did this with 2 year olds and it worked out great, they really enjoyed it - I would say its a suitable activity to do with children 2 years+ under adult supervision.

Learning and Exploring Through Play: Homemade Bird Feeders (http://learningandexploringthroughplay.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/homemade-bird-feeders.html)

Pin It: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/292452569527624270/

Amy :)

22-12-2014, 08:44 PM
Brilliant we'll do that in the new year, I'd wanted to make bird feeders but hadn't got around to looking up how yet

Mrs Scrubbit
22-12-2014, 09:14 PM
Yes a brilliant activity for learning about, caring for, and appreciating our precious wildlife, we make these every winter and add them to our birdfeeding station xx

22-12-2014, 09:37 PM
We made bird feeders from pine cones covered in a mixture of lard & bird seed. They looked fab & we hung them up in the garden with string. Two days later they had all gone - I watched the last one disappear as a squirrel chewed through the string, pulled it down & ran off with it :laughing:

22-12-2014, 10:18 PM
We've made those and also pinecones with fat and bird seed.
Our current favourite is threading cheerios, fresh fruit and berries onto garden wire, bending it into shapes and hanging them up. But we have to put them in a friends garden as my cat has turned our garden into a bird free zone !