View Full Version : DBS CHECKS

17-11-2014, 10:14 PM
Hi. I sent off for mine and my husbands DBS checks just over 7 weeks and they are both still in the police checks stage. I have heard that this is the part which takes the longest. Just wondered if anyone has recently got theirs and how long the whole process took. Would love to apply to ofsted asap but obviously cant until I have these back. Thanks!

19-11-2014, 01:22 PM
Mine took 2 months and hubby's took 3 weeks. It's frustrating. I did in the end send an email to my local police force and within 2 days it was completed, so may be worth chasing your local police force. You have nothing to lose.

19-11-2014, 08:02 PM
I applied for mine, my OH's and one for my Mum. The ones for myself and OH went to the final stage really quickly but my Mum's was stuck at the final stage for about three weeks, bizarre as she's a disabled pensioner and of no interest to the Police! All three came back within four weeks. I've heard of them taking much longer for no apparent reason so it's worth chasing up. On the plus side, Ofsted (in my experience) seem to be pretty quick at the moment. I had my pre-reg five weeks from applying. Therefore if you apply the day you get your DBS's back, you possibly may not have long to wait. Good luck!!

21-11-2014, 10:17 AM
I think it depends on your area. I've had three this year (Long story) the first two (Well, three including my hubbys) came through within two weeks, my third lot came in after just eleven days!

22-11-2014, 02:16 AM
I applied for mine a week after my wife applied for hers. She received her certificate 2 weeks a go, whilst mine has just reached the 60 day stage and I have had to contact the DBS in order for them to contact the Police in order to speed up the process. Frustrating certainly!

22-11-2014, 08:14 AM
I've heard it can depend how busy your local police unit is, mines Thames Valley police which is apparently one of the busiest forces in the country.

22-11-2014, 11:30 AM
We are just about on 60 days now and have not received them back. We are also stuck on the police records checks (have not moved since Oct 1st). I called them last week and they said I had to wait until the 60 days. SO frustrating. Was beginning to think it was just us.....

22-11-2014, 01:32 PM
Which police force are you with out of interest littlestars?

23-11-2014, 02:09 AM
I'm in Cornwall, they can't possibly be that busy, I think it's been 64 days so far. Maybe some more cows have escaped a field or something...


23-11-2014, 07:43 AM
It'll be done 'dreckly' then. :)
(I grew up in Cornwall)

23-11-2014, 08:21 PM
It certainly is frustrating. My police force is also Thames Valley. I have emailed them last week and they have passed my email onto the DBS department and I should hear something back within 10 days (fingers crossed)

23-11-2014, 09:03 PM
Haha I did the same lPatters! :-)

26-11-2014, 05:47 PM
Do I have to apply for a new DBS as I haven't subscribe for that up to date service???
Thank you!

01-12-2014, 10:08 AM
Any news with anyone's DBS, mine is still "in progress" with Thames valley police...

02-12-2014, 09:41 PM
Laura34- I think you get 19 days from when your certificate is issued to apply for the update service

mumofone- Finally I got a response from the DBS department at Thames Valley Police today. I emailed them yesterday chasing as I had not heard back and they forwarded my email to the manager. So it's now in the certificate printing process. Still cant apply to ofsted until they come though as need the certificate no :doh:

03-12-2014, 01:01 PM
Thanks lPatters was that response within the 10 working days they promise?

03-12-2014, 05:24 PM
Yes it was but I did chase up after about 8 working days and the same day they had been dispatched! Keep on at them. It seemed to do the trick!

03-12-2014, 08:57 PM
Aw thank you. I've chased them again today.

08-12-2014, 01:59 AM
For what it's worth, my DBS finally progressed to the "Printing Certificate" stage on Friday gone.

This was 60 days after I applied, plus another 10 after I rang them and they wrote to the Police, plus another day when I rang them after the full 70 to ask and they politely informed me that my DBS was still with the Police. Thames Valley Police. I live in Cornwall and haven't lived in Thames Valley for over 15 years. DBS told me they had done everything I could and it was now my job to pursue the Police, they offered me the address and told me to write a letter. Needless to say, instead of waiting for snail mail I just googled it and contacted the Chief Constable via email who passed me onto DBS vetting manager straight away, et voila, within 24 hours my Certificate was printed!

Now I just need it to appear through my door!:panic:

05-01-2015, 01:13 PM
For what it's worth, my DBS finally progressed to the "Printing Certificate" stage on Friday gone. This was 60 days after I applied, plus another 10 after I rang them and they wrote to the Police, plus another day when I rang them after the full 70 to ask and they politely informed me that my DBS was still with the Police. Thames Valley Police. I live in Cornwall and haven't lived in Thames Valley for over 15 years. DBS told me they had done everything I could and it was now my job to pursue the Police, they offered me the address and told me to write a letter. Needless to say, instead of waiting for snail mail I just googled it and contacted the Chief Constable via email who passed me onto DBS vetting manager straight away, et voila, within 24 hours my Certificate was printed! Now I just need it to appear through my door!:panic:

Where are you now in the process Longbow?

05-01-2015, 09:17 PM
Did you get your DBS checks back mumofone? Are you any further along with your application?

05-01-2015, 09:47 PM
Did you get your DBS checks back mumofone? Are you any further along with your application?

I chased today, it was 60 days and they've escalated it (finally!!), now to receive my certificate! How long did yours take? :-)

06-01-2015, 11:58 AM
Hooray! My certificates came about 2 days later. Yours should be here any day now. Are you going to apply to Ofsted right away?

06-01-2015, 12:42 PM
Hooray! My certificates came about 2 days later. Yours should be here any day now. Are you going to apply to Ofsted right away?

Oh fantastic :-) Yes as soon as I have it. Apparently it can then be another twelve weeks???? Argh! Have you applied yet?

06-01-2015, 04:40 PM
Yes I applied on 9th December. Since then they've sent my invoice which I've paid, asked for my health declaration which I sent a couple of weeks ago. When I applied, I attached my 2 references with the application but they have contacted both of them asking for more info. (im hoping both of my referees have done this by now). I have emailed them today to find out if they have actually received the extra info required so I can chase up if not. So as far as im aware, I've done everything I need to and now just wait for a phone call (whilst trying to get my policies etc done)

06-01-2015, 04:59 PM
Yes I applied on 9th December. Since then they've sent my invoice which I've paid, asked for my health declaration which I sent a couple of weeks ago. When I applied, I attached my 2 references with the application but they have contacted both of them asking for more info. (im hoping both of my referees have done this by now). I have emailed them today to find out if they have actually received the extra info required so I can chase up if not. So as far as im aware, I've done everything I need to and now just wait for a phone call (whilst trying to get my policies etc done)

Oh well done sounds like you've done everything required...keep me posted how you get on :-))

23-03-2015, 06:35 AM
I have moved address since I applied and my Wife's OFSTED registration is for a different address they won't accept it. So I have had to apply again, not a happy bunny!