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View Full Version : Right or wrong to end contracts

16-11-2014, 02:17 PM
I am loosing a child to preschool in January which is great news and I would like to use this opportunity to cut back on hours and days but it means terminating a child's contract that has only been with me three months. I feel absolutely terrible letting this parent down especially as he hasn't been with me long. Do you think this is bad practise and I shouldn't be doing this?


16-11-2014, 02:53 PM
You have to put your professional and business head on. What is right for you and your business? If giving notice is then do it. That is why you have a Notice Period in your Contract it is not just for the parent to use.

Also remember the parent would give you notice in a second if it suited them and it would not bother them one jot if they had been with you 3 months or 3 years.

16-11-2014, 02:58 PM
Difficult one.....personally I wouldn't because when I take on a family I am committed and I don't like to see LO's go through upheaval - but I don't know the reason why you want to cut back. The parents are going to be pretty miffed but a good reason for cutbacks may soften the blow.
It's really your reputation that is at stake, other parents, if they get to know, will be wary of the possibility of you doing it again to them.

Is there any flexibility in the LO attending another day, swapping with care a family member might be giving for instance? Could you recommend another childminder to the parents who already know your child?

blue bear
16-11-2014, 08:43 PM
Is there another child the lo has become familiar with who would be able to take on the contract? Sometimes it's easier to give notice when you have options to offer them

16-11-2014, 10:01 PM
Business decisions are never easy ones to make.

Personally, once I commit to a contract, I will see it out (sometimes it feels to the bitter end lol), so without knowing all the ins and outs about why you're making the decision, I wouldn't necessarily do it.
Are there any alternatives you can look at doing instead?

I have had children leave and this has freed up some non working time, that I now cling on to desperately.
After working 5 full days a week I realised I was doing too much and needed some free time to play 'catch up'
Last year it was Friday's, this year it's moved to Wednesday's lol, due to changes in parents working hours, children leaving and new starters.

I'm hoping to reclaim Fridays again when the existing children move on - downside to this is it could be as long as 2 or 3 years away, so I may be waiting a while, or it could all change next week and I get it, and more, back sooner lol
I currently don't advertise Wednesdays as an available day anymore, and if asked, it's not available, so I can keep it free.
I've had some holiday only children leave this year, and I'm not planning on replacing them, so school holidays will be less manic in future and I really feel this will help me and my stress levels.

As Rickysmiths said, it's your business, and you have to do what's right for you, but at the same time, if there are other things you could do to free up some time without letting parents down, I would try and see if I could make that work first.
Making a list of pro's and con's might help...?

17-11-2014, 07:31 AM
Is there another child the lo has become familiar with who would be able to take on the contract? Sometimes it's easier to give notice when you have options to offer them

I have found a replacement childminder that can cover the hours and I have also suggested that I do the settling in sessions with the child so he gets familiar with the othe cm. I emailed notice yesterday. Not heard anything back and I am dreading the confrontation today. I hate it but don't regret what I me doing for one minute. I really do want to do less days/hours and now that I have one going to pre school it's the perfect opportunity. I feel awful for letting them down but I am fed up worrying what others think in this job. The kid isn't settling too well either and after having a bad experience I said I would never ever go through that again for seven months. I have had him for over three months, he still cries at drop off and then he won't take part in anything standing at the door waiting for mum all afternoon. Mum doesn't help either as she said to him last week it's ok, it's only for one more day and then you will be with mummy for the weekend. Ime seriously fed up with all the stresses and strains that go with this job. I don't need it at the moment and I me certain stele not making myself I'll over it anymore. Thanks for your honest views x

17-11-2014, 09:31 AM
I have found a replacement childminder that can cover the hours and I have also suggested that I do the settling in sessions with the child so he gets familiar with the othe cm. I emailed notice yesterday. Not heard anything back and I am dreading the confrontation today. I hate it but don't regret what I me doing for one minute. I really do want to do less days/hours and now that I have one going to pre school it's the perfect opportunity. I feel awful for letting them down but I am fed up worrying what others think in this job. The kid isn't settling too well either and after having a bad experience I said I would never ever go through that again for seven months. I have had him for over three months, he still cries at drop off and then he won't take part in anything standing at the door waiting for mum all afternoon. Mum doesn't help either as she said to him last week it's ok, it's only for one more day and then you will be with mummy for the weekend. Ime seriously fed up with all the stresses and strains that go with this job. I don't need it at the moment and I me certain stele not making myself I'll over it anymore. Thanks for your honest views x

See... these things all add up to make an informed decision:
Child isn't settled after 3 months
- still gets upset
- doesn't interact
- stands at the door
Mum isn't as supportive as she could be

Good luck with parent, hope she understands :thumbsup: