View Full Version : What number do you need to track CRB online?

30-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Phoned CRB office this morning to get a number so I can track both DH's and my CRB checks. She gave me a number then told me that my checks were complete and i'd receive confirmation in the post. It really has only taken 2 - 3 weeks to come through so I was very surprised. DH was sent a little later but she gave me a customer number for his.. when I entered it it was the wrong number.

If I telephone Ofsted could they update me? Also, does any body know what the actual stages are of the checks?

31-07-2008, 08:09 AM
Call Ofsted and they will be able to check on line for you and tell you what stage your other half's CRB is at. They won't give you the ref number over the phone though so if you are after that call the CRB back.

Brief breakdown of stages are:-

Stage 1 - Forms received at the CRB offices and checked
Stage 2 - Records checked on Police National Computer (up to 10 days)
Stage 3 - Records checked on a number of other lists
Stage 4 - Records held by local police search (takes a min of 14 days)
Stage 5 - Printing and dispatch

If you want more info check out - http://www.crb.gov.uk/CRB_WEB_ENG_NOSOUND.swf

Hope this helps!


31-07-2008, 08:14 AM
When I was tracking the CRB for my step daughter which took ages and ages and ages, I rang CRB complaining and demanded the track id reference which they gave to me. I then checked the website every day for a week and rang CRB again complaining that nothing appeared to be happening. Later that same day the checks were completed....coincidence or not, I don't know :D

Good luck, hope you receive CRB back soon.

31-07-2008, 10:48 AM
Thankks for your replies. Really helpful :)