View Full Version : fees to charge pre-registration

04-11-2014, 11:14 AM
I am currently preregistration but have been asked by someone local to me if I can look after her child before and after school.

I have read this document which states I can do this for three hours a day pre-reg.

But I am so confused on what I can charge! Normally in my area a registered childminder could charge £15 for before and after school. I want to do it for £10 till I am registered. Does this sound within my rights? I have tried phoning Ofsted but no joy...

04-11-2014, 03:01 PM
The fact sheet says no more than TWO hours a day, not three:

If you provide care where a child does not stay with you for more than two hours a day, even if your childcare service is open for longer than two hours.

You can charge what you like. Ofsted will not be interested in what you charge, they will have nothing to do with contractual agreements. You are completely within your rights to charge what you want, you are self employed.

Remember you will not be insured if you are not Registered and holding PLI insurance- make sure the parents know this, this is the risk they are taking by using an unregistered childminder, hence you may want to charge less than a Registered childminder. Also, as Unregistered family can not use Childcare vouchers.

But then when you are registered, if you want to keep this family on and charge more then make sure the family know this and agree to this now, in writing, or it could get awkward.

04-11-2014, 03:42 PM
Thanks a lot for your reply.

With regards to the how many hours bit...

Point 7 says  
If you only care for the children of one or more friends in your own home or someone else’s home:

if no money or payment changes hands;

For three hours or less per day, and some payment is made .

(And this is a friend)

I'm sure one of the few things Ofsted did confirm to me on the phone was the three hours bit. Although it does mention two hours further up in the document!

Thanks again for your help.