View Full Version : How do you get your first mindees?

02-11-2014, 09:32 PM
Once I'm registered I'm then nervous that I won't get any customers! How did you get yours?

02-11-2014, 10:46 PM
Do you have a local childminding group or friendly local childminders? I have registered twice in two different areas (England/Wales) and both times my first children came from local minders - the first time was a minder giving up and passed enquiries to me and the second time a local minder passed on an enquiry because she was full. We have someone going through registration in the area and will be passing enquiries on to her when she is closer to registration.

Childcare.co.uk has lots of parents who need childcare you can register for free or buy a subscription monthly.

Tell everyone you know that you are registering - speak to people in the park, at school, toddler groups etc just get chatting and bring it up.

Some people leaflet drop. Put notices up in chops/doctors if they allow it.

Good luck:thumbsup:

03-11-2014, 07:11 AM
Good advice from Tulip, also your local Families Information Service (FIS) - my first child came from there

It can take a while sometimes, and you might get lots of enquiries, that lead to visits, that lead to never hearing from that person again - can be very frustrating, so prepare yourself for that as it can come as a bit of a shock when you're itching to get started.
My first took 6 months to get, and it was the longest 6 months of my life. Been full ever since though, so good things come to those who wait :laughing:

03-11-2014, 07:26 AM
I've got a fleece with 'childminder' on the back plus an umbrella that says 'childminder' . That way I can advertise 'quietly'!
But the best way is to tell everyone everywhere what you do!
I moved and had to start up again in an area where I knew no one and it took 6 mths to get first mindee. My own children were at school but I went along to toddlers and helped and chatted! My first mindee came from toddlers and the others from word of mouth and FIS.
Good luck x

03-11-2014, 09:47 AM
Mine kinda worked in reverse. I decided to become a CM cos parents saw me looking after my grandchildren and asked if I did childminding for others.

Mind you, I learned an important lesson from this. You can meet 100 mums who say, "lovely, we need more CMs around here" but that doesn't mean 100 mums will be wanting care when you start. :(