View Full Version : Charging holidays

27-10-2014, 03:36 PM
I charge half fees during April, July-August & October holidays
But during the rest Inservice days may day school closure I charge full
Does this sound reasonable ?
I have a parent asking why I'm charging Inservice days

28-10-2014, 11:20 AM
hi sorry I don't really follow are you working during school holls or is the half pay a retainer fee?

28-10-2014, 11:49 AM
I do the same.
And if asked I would say that these are still classed as term dates ,and your service is available , and so full fee applies.

23-01-2015, 11:35 AM
I do the same.
And if asked I would say that these are still classed as term dates ,and your service is available , and so full fee applies.

Same parent telling me to take off four days holidays for February invoice
They are Inservice days and I think one mid term
Can anyone help with wording please to respond to this

23-01-2015, 11:45 AM
I've just put that as refered to in my new updated policies which was sent to them last week
I now charge mid term, Inservice days May Day & snow days as these are still my normal typical working day
I charge half fees April July August October school holidays

But I'm stuck how to explain why I do that then but not here,

Personally with all the school holidays term days I can't afford to not charge but obviously can't say anything that

lollipop kid
23-01-2015, 11:47 AM
Hi, You could try using a phrase like this:

"When my childminding service is available, but the child does not attend, for whatever reason, then full fee applies."

I work all year round, not just term-time only, so I charge parents full fee for any leave taken for dates outside of the list of holiday dates that I take, as if I am working, but the parent chooses not to send their child, then they have to pay for the space. I do the same with parents who are teachers - apart from a few of the long summer holiday weeks, which I charge at retainer rate should they not want to send their child.

(I circulate a list of dates at the end of December for the year ahead, so that parents can co-ordinate their leave dates with mine, then stick to it. It makes discussions like the one you're having easier.)

I hope that helps with the phrasing. Best of luck!