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View Full Version : Car trouble

17-10-2014, 12:01 PM
Trying to decide whether to give up using my car for childminding and just getting an ordinary smaller family car. I bought a Citreon C4 grand Picasso when I started minding (4 years ago) which cost me as much as I ended up earning in the first year. It has let me down so many times and I have spent a fortune on repairs. I feel like I'm working to keep the car running.

It is about a mile to school which is fine on the way there but on the way back it is a very steep uphill. I have been walking it the last few days with a double pram and 2 year old walking/buggy boarding. It's ok but exhausting, I'm too knackered to play with them.

I took the car in to the garage today with a handbrake problem and they have just rang me to sat it will be £239 to fix plus my front wheel bearings have gone and that will be £389 to fix, I need it back a 2pm for the school run, they have no courtesy cars available.

I told them to fix the breaks and I will book it in for the wheel bearings next week. What I am really going to do is decided whether to get rid of the stupid money pit of a car once and for all. Instead get a little family car and a good quality easy to push pram.


17-10-2014, 12:05 PM
What pram have you got? I hardly use our car- I use an double Nipper 360 and a 2 year old walking. It is a breeze to push, even one handed.

Chatterbox Childcare
18-10-2014, 12:42 PM
Have you thought about buying a newer car? I know it will cost but if you took out a loan, claim the interest against expenses, you won't have repairs to do (hopefully) and you will be dry and warm in the wet weather.

18-10-2014, 07:02 PM
Dh says never buy a French car!

He says buy a VW

Although he would also happily buy a japanese car or a Kia too. ( but he is (classic/vintage) VW obsesssed! If he had his way I would be driving a split bus with 12 seats but rather old and too precious for me to put children in! ... I'm sticking with modern cars! )

I've had a Toyota ( corolla verso ) for the past 7 years and I can't fault it. It's now 10 years old and apart from tyres is only now starting to cost money! And still not as much as OP.

18-10-2014, 09:59 PM
Depending on number of seats you need, I have a tiny Hyundai I10, fits 3 seats in easily, very cheap to buy and run and reliable so far, but I do walk for school run so can collect more kids in addition to my little ones I have in the day that go in the car.
My husband has a kid ceed also very reliable so far, had it 3years and its still in its warranty as we didn't buy it new, and its never had a problem. If I have a schoolie for the day during holidays we swap cars as I can fit 3 slim seats across the back of it.