View Full Version : emergency back up cover in extreme circumstances

27-09-2014, 02:38 PM
Hi. I'm struggling to find an answer to my query via Google so wondered if anyone can advise on here.

What arrangements do I have to have in place for emergency back up cover? I have been told that if a child were to require an ambulance then they would be taken under the care of the nhs, and I'd stay behind with the other children and contact the parents who'd met their child at the hospital.

But what about if something happened in different circumstances, particularly for example if it was my own child who needed to go in the ambulance, or myself! I know this is unlikely but I would like a policy in place just in case.

Do I have to have a registered childminder I can call to look after the children? What if that takes her over her numbers? Can my husband (not a registered CM but DBS checked) look after the children until their parents arrive (having called them in an emergency)?

And if it does have to be a childminder, do the parents need to meet this person?

Lots of questions about this I know, but I'm really unsure as to what is the right thing to do, so thank you in advance.

27-09-2014, 04:59 PM
I would like to know the response to this too

27-09-2014, 05:16 PM
In an emergency you can leave all children with a suitable adult and they call minded children's parents who must come and collect immediately.
I have dh and 2 friends who do have crbs and know minded children. I also have local friends and neighbours who, in an emergency I could call on.
A couple of neighbours have keys to my house and I have an 'emergency envelope' on my notice board with all contact details for all children.

hectors house
27-09-2014, 05:39 PM
I have 2 emergency childminders, my daughter, husband down as my emergency contacts - all of them have a CRB. If none of them are available or can get to my house quick enough my policy stats that I will leave the mindees with a trusted neighbour. (someone that I would have left my own children with). I'm sorry that in a life or death situation eg: you have a phone call saying that your husband or a child has had a horrible accident and you have to get to the hospital NOW - I'm not going to stay home until the parents get to me.

27-09-2014, 07:16 PM
I live in a rural area and I have a local childminder in the same village and my DH. I used to have 2 childminders but one has finished but we have a lady registering and we will all be each others back-up. Local minder knows my mindees, they all know DH. WIll get them to know the new minder too. I have an emergency contact sheet that I can hand to the back-up.

28-09-2014, 08:56 AM
I have my DH and a friend as emergency contacts and they have keys to the house. There are also a couple of neighbours who I know I could call upon if needed. All but one of these people happen to have had an enhanced CRB check for working with children. In my hall there is an IN CASE OF EMERGENCY envelope with contact details for all the children's parents.

28-09-2014, 01:38 PM
Thanks everyone. You've been a great help.