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View Full Version : Planning for under 2s

11-09-2014, 01:18 PM
Does anyone write out weekly plans for under twos? Is this a requirement? Most of our time is spent as free play as they explore and learn things at their own pace so I don't write any, just wondered if the EYFS required me to?

11-09-2014, 02:05 PM
No they are happy for you to plan how you like.

I do six weekly individual plans for each child which covers all areas in a general way. I also have on display long term continuous play sheets which justifies our resources.

Lots of people do themes and weekly plans but this is too structured for us and we prefer free flow.

11-09-2014, 10:15 PM
Jadavi what do you do with your planning once you are done with it? Do you keep it or just bin it ?
I have a weekly planner -out every morning ( toddler groups, forest school, special outings etc). In the afternoon we do messy play, crafts, cooking, etc. and free play.
Now I am thinking is that enough? Most of my little ones are under 2.
I know it's not a requirement but I feel like I should be doing more?

12-09-2014, 07:32 AM
The individual plans are stuck in the back if the LJ

12-09-2014, 07:35 AM
I made a decision a while ago not to do any planning paperwork that the parents didn't see or wasn't on display. This was after my first Ofsted inspection when they didn't open planning file. I also realised that despite all the planning the children did their own thing anyway and as we are child led it didn't work for me to do detailed planning in advance. Instead I know my resources really well and get them out as and when needed by children. Ofsted were fine with this

12-09-2014, 07:37 AM

Ofsted will want to see that you know your children really well and know next steps etc
That is why I do a twice termly Indiv plan which has all the next steps on and is seen by parents and has a box in for them to comment too.

12-09-2014, 07:38 AM
I think the planning you do sounds fine though.

12-09-2014, 07:51 AM
Does anyone write out weekly plans for under twos? Is this a requirement? Most of our time is spent as free play as they explore and learn things at their own pace so I don't write any, just wondered if the EYFS required me to?

'Free play' or 'free flow' is children leading their learning which is exactly what the EYFS asks on p9....especially 2 year olds who tend to explore a lot and often have short attention span
Either terminology was used a lot in the past when we had to show evidence of indoor/outdoor access...preschools and nurseries still use it
Some people over plan while others do the essential...some do not do planning at all

Planning for each child can be in their Learning journal as you agree the next steps with parents...just as Jadavi says...following their interests? that ensures it is really individual
some cms record the activities children have accessed to learn from which is part of their planning and observations and CoEL

At inspection the inspector will want to see your evidence of how your children are getting to the Outcomes...do simple planning :thumbsup: