View Full Version : Unaccopanied 8 year olds (Childcare register)

30-08-2014, 08:42 AM
This is a topic we have discussed several times and now the changes are clearly stated in the Ofsted Childcare Register (voluntary part)
Children aged 8 or over can leave a registered provision 'unaccompanied' as long as there is parental permission for them to do so
I have to say it would have been better if it also stated they can get to a provision unaccompanied ...just to be safe...but it is a start

The change is on page 4 (CR5.3)

31-08-2014, 08:32 AM
This is a topic we have discussed several times and now the changes are clearly stated in the Ofsted Childcare Register (voluntary part)
Children aged 8 or over can leave a registered provision 'unaccompanied' as long as there is parental permission for them to do so
I have to say it would have been better if it also stated they can get to a provision unaccompanied ...just to be safe...but it is a start

The change is on page 4 (CR5.3)

I wonder if cms would share how they would deal with the request from a parent that their child ...aged over 8 ....would walk from school to the cm's setting?

I find it totally unbelievable that children can leave unaccompanied but not arrive unaccompanied?
I have had this in my Terms and Conditions for years and years but it covered both arrival and departure ....so I am baffled what this change means

I believe it does help with those children who often leave school a little later than the normal 3.15pm and works well so cms do not have to hang around for them but this new change is really not very very helpful for that
Can anyone comment before I call Ofsted and see what they say...I doubt I get a reply so would put it to Ofsted Big Conversation at next meeting

Thank you

31-08-2014, 12:15 PM
If a child leaves school unaccompanied and returns home then the child is in the care of the parents from when they leave school and they accept responsibility for that childs actions whilst unaccompanied, if they leave unaccompanied to walk to a childminder there is no-one responsible for them as our duty of care wouldn't start until that child arrives at our house, we would have to report them as missing if they didn't arrive at the designated time unless otherwise told by the parent. If a parent gives written permission for a child to leave our care at a certain time unaccompanied then no matter what we think we have to let them go as the parent has taken responsibility for that child. Just my thoughts.

01-09-2014, 07:53 AM
Thanks QC...yes your answer has helped but only for half my quest
thank you for the reply though