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View Full Version : Level 3 GCSE requirement has been changed to 'exit'...

20-08-2014, 03:01 PM
Previously students needed GCSE as an 'entry' requirement...this has been changed to 'exit' but for one year only when it will be reviewed

Good news

Government approves decision to make GCSEs an exit requirement for EYE | Parenta.com (http://www.parenta.com/2014/08/20/government-approves-decision-to-make-gcses-an-exit-requirement-for-eye/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Parenta+%28Parenta%29)

20-08-2014, 04:30 PM
Ooops...the changes to 'entry-exit' requirements apply to apprenticeships only
PLA was quick to criticise the inconsistency


20-08-2014, 07:47 PM
This is of interest to me but I dont understand , what does this mean please?

21-08-2014, 08:11 AM
This is of interest to me but I dont understand , what does this mean please?

Bear with me Suzy...I am a bit confused on this too and have asked for clarification
I will get back as soon as I get it ...unless someone in this forum is aware of the difference and would like to clarify??? that would be helpful

21-08-2014, 09:54 AM
I read it mean that a candidate would need their GCSE's by the time they completed the EYE qualification. I am by no means sure of this though.

21-08-2014, 10:58 AM
I read it mean that a candidate would need their GCSE's by the time they completed the EYE qualification. I am by no means sure of this though.

You read it correctly...what I am trying to find out if the 'apprenticeship' exit requirements applies to CMs wanting to study the new Level 3
Sorry... I am knocking on many doors for a clarification but so far they are firmly shut...all they are talking about is preschools and nurseries

I will soldier on :angry:

21-08-2014, 11:01 AM
At my ofsted inspection last week , she told me my level 3 children and young persons workforce is not recognised with out English and maths grade c or above . Then I read the original posters post and wondered if this was squashed , it's meant to be from September 1st.

21-08-2014, 12:56 PM
At my ofsted inspection last week , she told me my level 3 children and young persons workforce is not recognised with out English and maths grade c or above . Then I read the original posters post and wondered if this was squashed , it's meant to be from September 1st.

Your inspector is correct when she said that last week
The rethink on 'exit' rather than 'entry' requirements was made yesterday and shows in the articles posted...it is only for one year when it will be reviewed again and it applies to 'apprenticeship' only.

What I am trying to clarify is that CMs still need GCSE as entry requirements and it looks like they do
If anyone wants to find out more look at the Nursery World LinkedIn page where a discussion has been posted on this...alternatively the training provider who is doing the level 3 will clarify to any CM
Hope this helps

Here is another article but no mention of CMs just apprentices

Government U-turn on early years qualification entry requirements | Children & Young People Now (http://www.cypnow.co.uk/cyp/news/1146124/government-qualification-entry-requirements?utm_content=&utm_campaign=210814%20daily&utm_source=Children%20%26%20Young%20People%20Now&utm_medium=adestra_email&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cypnow.co.uk%2Fcyp%2Fnew s%2F1146124%2Fgovernment-qualification-entry-requirements)

22-08-2014, 07:02 PM
Hi I am slightly confused does this mean I now need to have an GCSE in English as well as my level 3 in childrens and young people work force qual or is it just for the new Early years educator course.


22-08-2014, 09:35 PM
Hi I am slightly confused does this mean I now need to have an GCSE in English as well as my level 3 in childrens and young people work force qual or is it just for the new Early years educator course.


The GCSE requirements apply only to the new Level 3 EYE not the old NVQ 3

23-08-2014, 02:58 PM
Hi, great thanks x

The GCSE requirements apply only to the new Level 3 EYE not the old NVQ 3

23-08-2014, 03:24 PM
Hi sorry thought of another question :) Would I be counted in the numbers if I used by qualification and worked in a nursery/ preschool etc


24-08-2014, 10:14 AM
Hi sorry thought of another question :) Would I be counted in the numbers if I used by qualification and worked in a nursery/ preschool etc


Hi KateA...not sure about the question you ask about 'being included in the numbers' if you worked in a nursery/preschool?
Can you clarify

24-08-2014, 07:43 PM
Hi, I found my answer on nursery world website

From September, all new staff with Early Years Educator qualifications will need to have the required grades in English and maths to be recognised as Level 3 qualified for the purposes of management, staffing and Ofsted inspections. Those previously qualified to Level 3 will be unaffected.'


24-08-2014, 08:31 PM
Hi, I found my answer on nursery world website

From September, all new staff with Early Years Educator qualifications will need to have the required grades in English and maths to be recognised as Level 3 qualified for the purposes of management, staffing and Ofsted inspections. Those previously qualified to Level 3 will be unaffected.'


Great...that reinforces what we have been saying all along...it is to do with the new Level 3 ...EYE...not the past NVQ 3 :thumbsup:

This is further proof
