View Full Version : cheques

19-08-2014, 07:27 PM
does any one not accept cheque? and if you do accept them to you have many parents wanting to pay using them?

i said i will accept bank transfer or cash but cheques just seem like extra hassle

19-08-2014, 07:39 PM
I stopped accepting cheques in January 2014.
My closest bank is 10 miles away and is only open 10-3 and the next is 24 miles away, although open 9-5.30! So... In order to pay a cheque in, it wastes a whole morning for the children and I was often given a cheque for less than £10 which just wasn't worth going and paying in.
My parents all understood and most have now mastered online banking!

hectors house
19-08-2014, 07:41 PM
I have changed banks and new bank doesn't have branch in our town, so told parents it's on line banking or cash!

19-08-2014, 07:46 PM
Nooo I hate cheques! I used to work in a bank, and I can't think of much worse than joining a bank queue with several children in tow. Online or cash so much easier, and not had anyone wanting to pay by cheque :-)

19-08-2014, 07:57 PM
I stopped accepting cheques about 18 months ago. I had one family paid monthly, so a decent amount and worth trekking to the bank once a month. But another family paid weekly, only £15. It wasn't worth going to the bank each week for that, so it meant I had to save up a month's cheques and pay them in all together.

I took the decision to stop accepting cheques when I found even the monthly visit to the bank was becoming a hassle. I gave parents 2 months notice and said it was going to be payment by cash, bank transfer or employer voucher. I've had no complaints at all :thumbsup:

19-08-2014, 09:40 PM
I havent accepted cheques since I started up. I cannot guarantee that I will get to a bank. Ive never had a parent complain about it either.

20-08-2014, 07:54 AM
does any one not accept cheque? and if you do accept them to you have many parents wanting to pay using them?

i said i will accept bank transfer or cash but cheques just seem like extra hassle

More than the hassle is the fact it takes a few days for them money to clear and reach your account so you need cheques well in advance from parents and you have to specify that in your contract but...at this present moment cheques are a valid way of payment...but few really use them anyway
One other reason is that some parents may not be very good online?

Thinking ahead to 2015 when the Tax Free Childcare kicks in ...cheques will not really be needed and parents will have to learn how to go online and replenish their accounts before paying you

20-08-2014, 08:46 AM
I take cheques, don't find it a problem.unless they are rubber ones of course!

20-08-2014, 12:01 PM
I prefer bank transfer but only 2 families pay this way. Most pay cash so I have to go to the bank to pay that in so a couple of cheque payers aren't a problem. I can pay both into the post office if I want to:thumbsup:

20-08-2014, 12:32 PM
I don't accept cheques. The last thing I want is to have to take all the children into town, pay for parking and then queue up in the bank :panic: Surely parents can organise to do bank transfer / standing order / vouchers or cash if needed. All my current parents pay using a mixture of vouchers and bank transfer. I have had 1 parent in the past pay me cash each week and that was fine too I just issued them with a receipt.


22-08-2014, 08:00 AM
I accept cheques. I warn parents that I may bank them a day later or a month later, as banks are in short supply around here. They each know they'll lose the facility to pay by cheque if one bounces and so far so good.

As for taking the mindees along, I think some of the schoolies might learn more from a trip to the bank (in school vacs, of course) than they ever learn from maths homework (who needs Fibonacci sequences, anyway?) It wouldn't cross my mind to trail along the lo's whilst I got on with the rest of my life, if I'm supposed to be working: not unless there was some experiential benefit for the littlies.

But sadly, I know several local CMs who regard their U5 mindees as a necessary inconvenience that have to be kept in check whilst they do the shopping, banking, housework, visit friends, etc. :( I even know one who tried to charge a mum for a new buggy cos her lo couldn't keep up with her during multiple school drops and shopping expeditions. :eek:

22-08-2014, 08:55 AM
I would accept cheques, but nobody has paid with them so far.

I tell parents I'll accept anything so long as fees are paid on time, cheques, bank transfer, vouchers, luncheon vouchers hahaha, but I draw the line at sexual favours ;)

22-08-2014, 08:58 AM
I would accept cheques, but nobody has paid with them so far.

I tell parents I'll accept anything so long as fees are paid on time, cheques, bank transfer, vouchers, luncheon vouchers hahaha, but I draw the line at sexual favours ;)

..... and here's me, just waiting for the right mum to offer. :D

Life's so unfair. :(

22-08-2014, 09:00 AM
My DD says maybe I should change that too - 'cobwebs' is the term she uses :p

22-08-2014, 06:28 PM
Hi I don't take cheques only cash, bank transfers and would be happy with childcare vouchers just not been asked to use them yet x

22-08-2014, 11:06 PM
I just say in contract I take cash or bank transfer .. Cash Even Is a pain as I have to get to bank unless it's only enough for groceries