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View Full Version : one rule for me,another for them

13-08-2014, 12:53 PM
Its a funny old world isn't it. There's always one rule we have to stick by but there's always another to save money.

DO made a big thing about making sure I only used childrens play sand in the garden, which I did anyway, and then the council go and refill the local sand pit with builders sand?!
Full of stones and very dark in colour. Very scratchy and obviously not childrens play sand

Funny that !?!

13-08-2014, 01:22 PM
How very ******** of them. Double standards do seem to be the most common unfortunately.

hectors house
13-08-2014, 03:19 PM
I do use washed yellow builders sand and it's fine, but I know what you mean about double standards - I am sure that I have read about childminders being marked down by Ofsted for not having their sand pits covered, but at our local park when they revamped it, they put in a huge open sand pit (I pointed out to them on the open day that it could get broken glass, needles, dog, cat & fox poo in it), and they took away the back gate (the park is next to a river with a weir and a busy road).

Bumble Beez
13-08-2014, 04:13 PM
What's that saying?

Do as I say, not as I do!

14-08-2014, 06:16 AM
It's all around us - all the time.

I have just read a thread on the pros and cons of hand washing, individual towels etc and they leave us and go to scholl where they are lucky to have toilet roll never mind soap water and clean hand drying facilities!!:angry:

14-08-2014, 07:18 AM
Yup. :(

There was a post last week from a CM whose LA insists they remove all poisonous plants from their garden. I wonder if they would close down any LA park, garden, allotment site, cemetery, or other open space if someone found a single poisonous plant growing there? :mad: