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View Full Version : do your neighbours complain?

22-07-2014, 10:39 AM
I have 2 very grumpy toddlers today, guess it's too warm for them. We were in garden and they are just crying and screaming and fighting, so we came in for early nap (them, not me lol)

I have 3 some days and i often wonder what neighbours think of the noise. My immediate neighbour has children but husband works nights. Other neighbour is a parent so no worries there.

22-07-2014, 10:53 AM
Ive never heard any complaints from my neighbours? Maybe they just aren't said to me? That being said im hot on no shouting etc when we are here.

One side is a single gent who works away as a school photographer so actually is quite used to the noise. Hes actually told me he enjoys hearing children enjoying themselves. The other side have a preschooler themselves but mum works nights. They keep their lo out in the garden making noise past 10.30pm when they are home so I have no concern with them.

22-07-2014, 11:12 AM
I have fantastic neighbours. My next door neighbour loves to see and hear the children play and the children have adopted her as there nana ! I'm very lucky. :-)

22-07-2014, 11:17 AM
I live in a block of flats, so am very aware of the noise the los make, but my neighbors say they never hear anything! I either live in a really well sound proofed flat, or I have very nice neighbors. In an effort to make sure they don't start resenting me (just in case they DO hear us!), I often bake something yummy after particularly bad days and go round to the neighbors giving out baked treats and apologizing. It's not been often, mainly during settling in periods or one horrible week of teething with a grumpy little one.

22-07-2014, 11:45 AM
I live in a block of flats, so am very aware of the noise the los make, but my neighbors say they never hear anything! I either live in a really well sound proofed flat, or I have very nice neighbors. In an effort to make sure they don't start resenting me (just in case they DO hear us!), I often bake something yummy after particularly bad days and go round to the neighbors giving out baked treats and apologizing. It's not been often, mainly during settling in periods or one horrible week of teething with a grumpy little one.

Good on you. Thats a lovely idea :-)

22-07-2014, 12:25 PM
On one side we have a family with young children who are just as noisy as us, so no complaints there! On the other side is a lady who lives by herself and is out at work all day.

I do try to limit the noise sometimes if I know the neighbour isn't at work, but she's never complained.

jackie 7
22-07-2014, 01:45 PM
I complain about the people who live above me. They didn't put in much soundproofing. I can hear every step and their hover sounds like a sander. When I said anything mum was rude and said she couldn't do anything about it. She expects me to take in huge parcels and let her cleaner in. I don't do that anymore. At 2 while lo was having a great sleep another flats cleaner rangy bell and woke lo up. I try to be kind and take parcels in but there is a limit.

22-07-2014, 01:52 PM
I live in a flat and the retired couple below me NEVER go out. They bang on the ceiling if any of the LOs get 'jumpy'. I live in fear of them complaining to 'you know who'.

jackie 7
22-07-2014, 03:01 PM
Yes that is why I don't complain too much about up stairs.

22-07-2014, 03:19 PM
I live in a flat and the retired couple below me NEVER go out. They bang on the ceiling if any of the LOs get 'jumpy'. I live in fear of them complaining to 'you know who'.

They sound just like my neighbours. They haven't got the guts to actually speak to us about anything they just bang on the walls or write anonymous notes. Mind you they haven't done any of that since my OH let rip at them one morning. God help them if they catch me on a bad day :panic:



hectors house
22-07-2014, 03:28 PM
One side of me the neighbours are retired, if I know they are in their garden I may just sometimes ask the children to be a bit quieter as other people want to enjoy being in their gardens too. At the moment though I am terrified someone will report me to council for having chickens, as they are being soooooo noisy at the moment - it's in our deeds that we aren't supposed to have chickens - the other day my husband went out and shouted at the chickens - "if you lot don't shut up I will wring your :censored: necks before the neighbours come round to do it".

22-07-2014, 06:46 PM
One side of me the neighbours are retired, if I know they are in their garden I may just sometimes ask the children to be a bit quieter as other people want to enjoy being in their gardens too. At the moment though I am terrified someone will report me to council for having chickens, as they are being soooooo noisy at the moment - it's in our deeds that we aren't supposed to have chickens - the other day my husband went out and shouted at the chickens - "if you lot don't shut up I will wring your :censored: necks before the neighbours come round to do it".

hope neighbours didnt think he was talking to the mindees lol:laughing::laughing::laughing:

23-07-2014, 05:05 PM
:( I don't have neighbours!

one side is a holiday cottage so people who are there are on holiday and usually out & about during the day! I do try to make sure we don't make too much noise too early in the day! I have had people staying there knock on the door to ask for suggestions of things to do with their children because they've realised I have several !!!

the other side is a road, and the other side of that is the back of a house that I have never seen anyone at! behind us are the back of some houses, and I do know a few people who live there, and they say they never really hear mine. across the road is the park !!!

friends live the other side of the holiday cottage and have small children too!

24-07-2014, 08:49 AM
met lady who lives in house at end of my garden at toddler group today. she was there with her grandaughter. I apologised for any noise mindees make. She went on to tell me she has minded 22 children in last 30yrs (unregistered) and although she does hear them, especiallly 18month old who screams for nothing most of the day, it doesnt bother her.

Luckily for my neighbours i dont have all 3 every day and they all sleep 2 or 3 hours after lunch

24-07-2014, 09:25 AM
I live up the corner in a cul d sac and my neighbour s just cause hastle over parking at pick up and drop off times.. they can have been in all day and will decide to go out as soon as one of my parents pull up and then stand there looking or say "can you move I cant get out" they have also parked right behind cars of other visitors I have here and tried to be difficult that way.. I have tried talking to them about it and they then say "its ok its not a problem " .............

24-07-2014, 09:26 PM
I complain about the people who live above me. They didn't put in much soundproofing. I can hear every step and their hover sounds like a sander. When I said anything mum was rude and said she couldn't do anything about it. She expects me to take in huge parcels and let her cleaner in. I don't do that anymore. At 2 while lo was having a great sleep another flats cleaner rangy bell and woke lo up. I try to be kind and take parcels in but there is a limit.

Do you mind me asking what you would expect in terms of your upstairs neighbour soundproofing? We are having such big problems with our downstairs neighbours that we just want to make sure we have done all we can to our flat. Thanks, x

25-07-2014, 02:07 PM
Only had a complaint from a house over the road a few doors down about ofsted inspector parked outside her house. It's all block paved but only one part is dropped kerb and she was parked where she was able to and not over the proper drive. It was quite funny as she told the neighbour as she had come outside to have a go "apply to your council for an extension to your dropped kerb" the neighbour was not expecting someone to answer her back and shut up rather quickly.

Daisy De
25-07-2014, 04:29 PM
I have a lovely older lady one side who loves my dogs, my cat and used to live next to a school so she says she likes and is used to the sound of children playing plus the school was much louder :clapping:

The other side is another older lady who moans about everything given half a chance, the more trivial the better it seems. Surprisingly, she has never moaned about the children and she has lived there all of the 20 years I have been minding from this house! :huh:

jackie 7
25-07-2014, 04:43 PM
where i am is new and the owners of each flat put flooring down. lady up stairs put hard wood floor all over but i was told by others in the block that she musnt have put much if any soundproofing between her wood and the concret surface. Other people cant hear anyone but I can hear every step when she is walking.

25-07-2014, 06:29 PM
where i am is new and the owners of each flat put flooring down. lady up stairs put hard wood floor all over but i was told by others in the block that she musnt have put much if any soundproofing between her wood and the concret surface. Other people cant hear anyone but I can hear every step when she is walking.

Oh that's so naughty. I thought you weren't allowed wooden floors in a flat. We have a thick carpet and the thickest underlay we could find. I dream of the days when I can afford a detached home. :(

25-07-2014, 07:15 PM
I thought you couldn't have wood flooring in a flat as well. Perhaps a look through the lease would confirm this one way or another.

27-07-2014, 11:13 AM
immediate neighbour told me yday they are moving in 2 weeks:laughing:

they need bigger house