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View Full Version : Help please - what is the document called?

Elkie Mawdsley
21-07-2014, 08:00 PM
Hello everyone

I have now been looking after a little one for a month, and I have just written up my first official review of the 7 areas of learning based upon all of the observations I have completed. When he first started, I was given a transitions form from the nursery which was pretty much what I have just completed - but what is mine called? Is it the starting points?

Thanks everyone

hectors house
21-07-2014, 08:14 PM
It is the starting points that you have observed so far, also a document showing how the child has settled in or you could call it a Summative Assessment. Just out of interest how does his development that you have observed compare with what the Nursery noted in the transition form?

Elkie Mawdsley
22-07-2014, 06:12 AM
Thanks hectors house :)

Overall - my findings are fairly similar to the nursery, however, I have moved him to developiing rather han entering on communication and language as his speech has come so far in just a month with one on one support.

There were a few things they said in the pd section which I have yet to observe tho - such as telling me he has a soiled nappy or using a knife.

Overall - their form had very basic and limited info on really.